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The Cost Benefit of Support PA Senate Bill 942

Kerry “Shakaboona” Marshall

“The Cost Benefit of Supporting Pennsylvania Senate Bill 942.” womens air jordan 6 barely rose dh9696 100 release date these are the hottest jordan 3s dropping this summer On November the 11th, 2019, Pennsylvania State… Full Transcript

Constitutional Amendment for Colonial Crimes

Kerry “Shakaboona” Marshall

“Constitutional Amendment for Marsy and Not Native American and African American Crime Victim’s Rights.” The Pennsylvania legislature are attempting to enshrine special rights for Marsy’s Law crime victims within the Pennsylvania Constitution through a ballot… Full Transcript

Even the Koch Institute Has a Presidential Pardon List of Thousands of Prisoners

Kerry “Shakaboona” Marshall

“Even the Koch Institute has a presidential pardon list of thousands of prisoners,” by Kerry Shakaboona Marshall. The conservative Koch Institute, owned conservative billionaire Charles Koch of Koch Industries, has organized a loose coalition of… Full Transcript

Linking Movements

Kerry “Shakaboona” Marshall

“Linking Movements and Daring to Be Free” by Kerry “Shakaboona” Marshall. What does the Black Lives Matter, immigration movement, J20 protesters, Poor People’s Campaign, and Occupy movement have in common? Their commonality is that the… Full Transcript

For Freedom: Kim Kardashian West Strikes Again

Kerry “Shakaboona” Marshall

“For Freedom: Kim Kardashian West Strikes Again” by Kerry “Shakaboona” Marshall. Reality TV star Kim Kardashians West is surprising everyone by championing the cause of freedom for incarcerated Black women and men serving mandatory death… Full Transcript

PA DOC Juvenile Lifers Initiative Excels Under Robert Hammond

Kerry “Shakaboona” Marshall

“Pennsylvania Department of Corrections Juvenile Lifer Initiative excels under Robert Hammond,” by Kerry Shakaboona Marshall. One of the most successful projects by the Pennsylvania Department of Corrections in the past decade has to be the… Full Transcript

Reality Winner American Hero

Kerry “Shakaboona” Marshall

“The imprisonment of Reality Winner, a real American hero from national security state to police state,” by Kerry Shakaboona Marshall. Her name is Reality Winner, a 26-year-old Georgia woman, and a commended Air Force veteran… Full Transcript

Prisoners ID Data Leak

Kerry “Shakaboona” Marshall

“Pennsylvania Department of Corrections hacked for incarcerated persons ID data,” by Kerry Shakaboona Marshall. The Pennsylvania Department of Corrections, a state agency that’s all about maintaining security, was hacked for incarcerated persons’ and DOC personnel’s… Full Transcript

Facebook Censors Shakaboona

Kerry “Shakaboona” Marshall

“Facebook Censors Shakaboona,” by Kerry Shakaboona Marshall. They’ve done it. Facebook censors have officially removed political commentator and human rights activist prisoner Shakaboona from the largest social media platform in the world. This act comes… Full Transcript

Malcom Jenkins and Presidential Pardons

Kerry “Shakaboona” Marshall

“Malcolm Jenkins Should Help Political Prisoners Get Presidential Pardons” by Kerry Shakaboona Marshall. Malcolm Jenkins, Philadelphia Eagles Super Bowl champion, and superb social activist for Black people in America. Great article in the New York… Full Transcript

NFL Players Adopt a Federal Prison

Kerry “Shakaboona” Marshall

“Hashtag NFL players adopt a federal prisoner for President Trump’s pardon,” by Kerry Shakaboona Marshall. It was very noble of celebrity Kim Kardashian to visit the White House to meet with President Trump and plead… Full Transcript

There Is Nothing Like the Human Rights Coalition

Kerry “Shakaboona” Marshall

“There is nothing like the Human Rights Coalition organization,” by Kerry Shakaboona Marshall. The Human Rights Coalition, HRC, in Pennsylvania is the most dynamic organization in America. The HRC began the current criminal justice reform… Full Transcript

Jondhi Harrell Doesn’t Speak for PA Lifer Prisoners

Kerry “Shakaboona” Marshall

“Johndi Harrell doesn’t speak for Pennsylvania lifer prisoners,” by Kerry Shakaboona Marshall. Pennsylvania’s primary elections was bittersweet for Pennsylvania lifer prisoners and families in regards to the reelection of State Representative Jason Dawkins of the… Full Transcript

White Hate Groups Cause Terror in Charlottesville

Kerry “Shakaboona” Marshall

A multitude of white hate groups gathered to rally Friday (8-11-17) in Charlottesville, VA in opposition to a local campaign to remove a statue of Confederate civil war General Robert E. Lee from Emancipation Park.… Full Transcript

Criminal Cops Caught Red Handed

Kerry “Shakaboona” Marshall

“Criminal Cops Caught Red Handed.” Thank God for modern technology: iPhones, street cameras, social media, and body cams. For without it, corrupt cops and police departments would have never been caught for the criminal acts… Full Transcript

President Trump At War With The World

Kerry “Shakaboona” Marshall

In the eight months since Donald Trump has been the President of the United States of America, he has intervened militarily in the nations of Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Somalia, Yemen, and the Philippines. And he… Full Transcript

Philly Courts to Give Sham Resentencing Hearing

Kerry “Shakaboona” Marshall

“Philly courts to give sham brief sentencing hearings to brother Ghani and other child lifers. by Kerry Shakaboona Marshall. Kempis Ghani Songster—sentenced death by incarceration, or life without parole, at 15 years old for murder—has… Full Transcript