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Reality Winner American Hero

Kerry “Shakaboona” Marshall

“The imprisonment of Reality Winner, a real American hero from national security state to police state,” by Kerry Shakaboona Marshall. Her name is Reality Winner, a 26-year-old Georgia woman, and a commended Air Force veteran… Full Transcript

What Kind Of Society Do We Want

Charles Karim Diggs

My name is Charles Karim Diggs. Our little subject matter tonight is, uh, what type of society do we want? Are we willingly obeying a disease system? Every two years, we vote for legislators, and… Full Transcript

Trump Russian Backed

Kerry “Shakaboona” Marshall

“Donald Trump, the First Russian-Backed United States President” by Shakaboona. There is a wise saying among the African-American community that what does not come out in the wash will surely come out in the rinse.… Full Transcript

President Trump’s Game of Lies

Kerry “Shakaboona” Marshall

For ages politicians have used the art of deception on opponents and on the people. President Donald J. Trump is no exception to the rule. Since the beginning of the presidential elections, and now as… Full Transcript

The World Looks to Vladimir

Mumia Abu-Jamal

“The world looks to Vladimir.” To most Americans, the unanticipated win of Donald Trump of the U.S. presidency was the biggest story in the world. That’s because most folks think the U.S. is the center… Full Transcript

The Politics of Oppression

Mumia Abu-Jamal

“The politics of oppression.” Most presidential elections concentrate on the candidates, their words, their position, and perhaps more importantly, their persona. Of course, we don’t really know these people, but thanks to modern communications, we… Full Transcript

The Moment We Are In

Mumia Abu-Jamal

[00:00:00.00] Mumia Abu Jamal: I think now more than ever, people want to hear “The Truth” rather than the bullshit (Edited for Radio, Swear Word deleted) and we’re coming hard. The illusions have driven us… Full Transcript

White Supremacist Controlling the White House

Kerry “Shakaboona” Marshall

America is facing dire straits ahead. Donald J. Trump is now President-Elect, the Republicans have won the majority in the House and Senate, the majority of Governors are Republicans, Trump’s Cabinet positions are being filled… Full Transcript

Class War Gone Wild

Mumia Abu-Jamal

Class war gone wild. One way of looking at American politics is through the lens of class, an area that is generally regarded as impolite, a subject that good people don’t discuss. It’s because it’s… Full Transcript

The Coming

Mumia Abu-Jamal

The coming. The time has come. No longer need economic leaders choose political puppets to do their legislative bidding. Today, they simply buy bribe or lie their way into political power. The late Eldridge Cleaver,… Full Transcript

The Greatest American Hypocrisy

Khalfani Malik Khaldun

Good morning. My name is brother Khalfani Malik Khaldun. I am calling from in Indiana Department of Corrections, Wabash Valley Corrrectional Facility, and this is the greatest American hypocrisy, all power to the people. Since… Full Transcript

It is Movement Time

Mumia Abu-Jamal

It’s movement time. As the Trump presidency take shape, there is wailing and gnashing of teeth. Disbelief meshes with despair, and some are quite frankly desolate. Dry your tears, blow your noses, and join movements… Full Transcript

“Tears & a Smile”

Mumia Abu-Jamal

Tears and a smile. For many across America, the presidential election has left them distraught, awash with anxiety, fear, and dread. It seems surreal. A candidate caught on tape saying what he said, who launched… Full Transcript

The Work Begins

Kenneth Hartman

It said that P.T. Barnum, circus man and snake oil salesman, coined the phrase, “There’s a sucker born every minute.” It looks like pretty close to 60 million were hatched on Election Day as they… Full Transcript

Hillary Clinton and the DNC are to Blame

Kerry “Shakaboona” Marshall

It’s official, after the stunning upset victory over Hillary Clinton, Donald J. Trump is now the President-Elect of the United States of America. Hillary Clinton and the Democratic National Committee (DNC), after losing the electoral… Full Transcript

A Conversation The Morning After

Mumia Abu-Jamal

Noelle: Yeah, I didn’t have one drop of liquor cause I was too- I was just like, I only drink when I’m happy. Mumia: What the hell is this? Noelle: Oh my God. He was… Full Transcript