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A Call for Prison Reform; Norwegian Style
I had a conversation the other day with a good lady named Dianna Goodwin. She’s a senior advisor to New York state Senator Lewis R. Sepúlveda, who is also the chair for the State Senate… Full Transcript
But What Is Justice?
I just got finished watching the TV show We The People. This particular episode moved me deeply because it dealt with the question of bail and redemption. Rodney was being held on a 100,000 dollar… Full Transcript
I Notice
My name is Jamil Ibn Jaboo. And this one called, “I Notice.” You may not think so, but I notice. I notice the smile when you giggle. And your presence when you pose. And I… Full Transcript
Terry Daum
In 1997, Terry Daum was convicted after a trial, of three commercial robberies in Staten Island. The evidence against him consisted of testimony from one eyewitness for each robbery. In 2014, Terry discovered the police… Full Transcript
Trump Russian Backed
“Donald Trump, the First Russian-Backed United States President” by Shakaboona. There is a wise saying among the African-American community that what does not come out in the wash will surely come out in the rinse.… Full Transcript
Lynne Stewart Tribute
Lynne Stewart, you are my hero. Lynne Stewart, for many years of struggle against inequality, oppression, and injustice. You knew the blindfolded lady with the balanced scales no longer exists here in America. But Lynne… Full Transcript
The Clinton Coup
Media Mayhem
Appeal Denied July 27th
Why Prison Radio Matters
Guilty Until Proven Innocent
Why Prison Radio Matters
Prosecutor’s Vested Interest: Untruth
In the Pennsylvania government, the prosecutor’s office represents the state in each of the federal judicial districts. The District Attorneys and Attorney Generals are vested with the power to represent “we the people” on behalf… Full Transcript
Poem about Mumia
Madiba Nelson Mandela
On December 5, 2003, former political prisoner and former South African President Nelson Mandela—affectionately referred to as “Madiba” (Father) by the South African people—has made his transition to the other side to be with our… Full Transcript
My inmate number is ND7568. The title of this piece is “Black History Month 2023.” This is Kenjuan Congo, Jr. calling from a prison camp behind enemy lines. This is Black History Month. The thing… Full Transcript