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Greetings, fellow citizens, it’s me, Faluch Bigsby, author of God Uses Gangsters. You could find my book on any book [site], Amazon, Barnes and Noble any major location. Well, today I want to talk about… Full Transcript
Unnamed Poem
This poem is unnamed. Final performance; the day after: torments. And my heart flutters with the pitter-patter of longing *PCAP family, truly our family cultivating a sense of belonging, The resounding resonance of missing our… Full Transcript
Real Black Love: An Open Letter to My Grandchildren
Good afternoon. This is brother Khalfani Malik Khaldun, Indiana political prisoner, Indiana voice of the voiceless, calling in from Westville Correctional Unit. I have a open letter to my grandchildren that I would like to… Full Transcript
Guidance & Naima
This is Sheik Bilal Abdul-Salaam Bey at the Hutchinson Correctional Facility in Hutchinson, KS. This is a poem called “Guidance,” using my revolutionary poetry name TRIP, also known as True Revolutionary In Power. I came… Full Transcript
How Do We Define Life?
How you doing, this is Mr. Eddie Treadwell calling from Alger Correctional Facility here in Michigan, and I would like to speak about how we define life. For one, we—as humans—we always find the need… Full Transcript
Valentines Day Rap
Minnesota inmate number 210006, Izell Robinson. Just wanted to do a quick little rap that I made kinda in honor of Valentine’s Day. So I hope you enjoy it. The last of anything we always… Full Transcript
Prisoners Need Love Too, pt. 2
This is Minnesota inmate number 210006, Izell Robinson. And this is part two to my piece, “Married or Dating while Confined: Inmates Need Love Too.” The love that inmates need is directly connected to them… Full Transcript
On Anger
Hi, this is Dallas. Britt, 225132, incarcerated at 7600 525 Street, Rush City, Minnesota, 55069. With the birthday celebration of Jesus coming up, let’s all be kinder for the rest of the month to each… Full Transcript
Forever You’ll Be Mine
I am Izell Robinson, Minnesota inmate number 210006, an innocent man confined within the quadrilaterals of systemic injustice, fighting to be heard and affect positive change. Yet to accomplish success, I need you to listeners… Full Transcript
COVID-19 A Love Poem, Karma Death, And Vultures
This is, uh, Spoon Jackson, and I got this little poem I wrote about COVID-19 before I was tripping with it, and I’m still recovering from it. COVID-19. I cannot imagine keeping social distance from… Full Transcript
“Stricken” by Spoon Jackson. I remember that Sunday morning tune, you snapping snap beans for dinner while rock doves cooed in the Oak trees. I thought you were the strongest person ever. I thought you… Full Transcript
I Notice
My name is Jamil Ibn Jaboo. And this one called, “I Notice.” You may not think so, but I notice. I notice the smile when you giggle. And your presence when you pose. And I… Full Transcript
Another Struggle
“Another Struggle.” My beloved friends, I would be remiss if I did not take this opportunity to mention my dear big brother Keith Cook. Happy birthday, brother. We gather again another day in another year,… Full Transcript
Heal. Like a heart that keeps giving, I must keep believing in the power of healing. Sometimes I grind down so hard on my teeth I crack them during the night. I must wear a… Full Transcript
How Long
I dreamt about you once, when tiny raindrops cascaded across the windowpane. I dreamt about you once, when the snowflakes covered the woodlands and made it too cold to go outside for weeks. I dreamt… Full Transcript
Denied. This life, a collection of sweet and bitter memories. The dreams are fantasies, made up of forgotten tomorrow that may be played out or remain forever lost, deep within the deception of the mind.… Full Transcript
In A Heavy Way
I do not understand this drought in letters; it’s like a stream in Death Valley. I’ve been writing a lot of poetry. Perhaps they are letters to myself, for loneliness has touched me in every… Full Transcript
Love: A Message from Mumia
Dear brothers, sisters, comrades, friends on the MOVE. As we meet today, we are living examples of a truly remarkable movement: a movement for life, for liberation, for resistance, and yes, for love. We have… Full Transcript
Love and Economics
Charles Karim Diggs. I’m in Graterford, Pennsylvania, Graterford State Correctional Institution. Um, my topic for this evening is “Love and Economics.” Wealth should help more than the wealthy. Riches should enrich the community. Success should… Full Transcript
Every little girl should know her name. From the bowels of repression and calamity, she came. Wrung poetic lyrics of love from raw pain. From a system designed to break, she remained untamed, gave herself… Full Transcript