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Hope for most of us stretches millions and millions of miles away. We become trapped inside a closed cell of fear and guilt, a bitter solitude. Hope is that thing where you can picture it’s… Full Transcript
Dear Lord Jesus
Banished away from freedom, from bars to race chain shackles, my feet plastered onto a land of shadows. Straddling inside a grieving landscape built with metal and stone, my heart colds, spiritually devastated. I look… Full Transcript
Unnamed Poem
This poem is unnamed. Final performance; the day after: torments. And my heart flutters with the pitter-patter of longing *PCAP family, truly our family cultivating a sense of belonging, The resounding resonance of missing our… Full Transcript
Just A No Name
Alright, this is Steven Nicholson from Jackson, Michigan Cotton Correctional Facility. Been a long time, a little while since I’ve been on here. Now I’m back. This poem is called “Just a No Name.” Honing… Full Transcript
On Anger
Hi, this is Dallas. Britt, 225132, incarcerated at 7600 525 Street, Rush City, Minnesota, 55069. With the birthday celebration of Jesus coming up, let’s all be kinder for the rest of the month to each… Full Transcript
This one is for the University of Michigan’s Prisoner Creative Arts Program. We call that “P-CAP.” It’s for the creative writing final I’m going to do here in two weeks. I call it, “Golden Nuggets.… Full Transcript