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Tears of Empire
“The Tears Of Empire.” It happened with a suddenness that was stunning. The Taliban taking town by town, village by village, province by province until Kabul itself toppled all without virtually firing a shot. The… Full Transcript
No Lives Matter Under Capitalism
This is Christopher Trotter, live from inside the belly of the beast in Wabash Valley Correctional Facility, Carlisle, IN. Recently, I had a discussion about black lives matter. I was like: “Wow, it’s a whole… Full Transcript
White Riots At The Center Of Empire
With the rise of the Trump Presidency, few events were more remarkable than the 2017 white nationalist rallies in Charlottesville, Virginia. Here we saw the naked face of white hatred, fear and anxiety, seemingly inspired… Full Transcript
The Trump Mob Attacks America
It was a sight that will be long remembered: hundreds, then thousands of men scaling the walls of the U.S. Capitol like soldiers on a web. Then ripping, tearing, shredding all they could touch, all… Full Transcript
Empires of U.S. Idiots
“Empire of U.S. Idiots.” As these words are written, the U.S. empire takes a dangerous step closer to another war in the Middle East after its assassination of an Iranian military leader, major general Qasem… Full Transcript
War Games
“War Games.” The shocking assassination of Iranian general Qasem Soleimani by the U.S. drones is a step closer to war. The general who began his military career as a soldier during the ruinous Iran-Iraq War… Full Transcript
The Puzzle of Afghanistan
“The Puzzle of Afghanistan.” The flag of the United States rustles in the dry wind of its bases in Afghanistan, but the bases are bereft of ideas on what to do except harass and humiliate… Full Transcript
Free Louisa Hanoune
Does anyone remember the Arab Spring? Many Arab nations were swept by a massive wave of hope. In many countries, people took to the streets to support an end to corruption, an end to government… Full Transcript
After 9/11
“After 9/11.” Today, 18 years after the events of 9/11, after the great war in Iraq, the invasion of Afghanistan, and various smaller military engagements in other areas of the world, where is the U.S.?… Full Transcript
Wars Against Assange
“Wars Against Assange.” The intrepid journalist and author Glenn Greenwald, in his 2014 work No Place to Hide, offers a damning portrait of the U.S. media, too long trained to worship at the altars of… Full Transcript
Venezuela, Again
“Venezuela Again.” Several years ago during the early days of Hugo Chavez’ presidency, U.S. Forces supported a coup attempt against it and the barrios of Caracas exploded in support for the former military officer. The… Full Transcript
Massacre at Christchurch, NZ
“Massacre at Christchurch, NZ.” Livestream. A young Aussie killer invades a set of Muslim mosques and commits a massacre of men, women, and even children. The young man publishes a maniacal manuscript, decrying Muslim invaders… Full Transcript
Twilight of Empire
“Twilight of Empire.” The Trump era, when it finally passes from the stage of history, will not pass either easily nor willing. It will have left the aura of anxiety, the pangs of paranoia, and… Full Transcript
Venezuela and Presidential Legitimacy
“Venezuela and Presidential Legitimacy.” Now, the U.S. president Donald Trump has decided that he will determine who is and isn’t the legitimate leader of a foreign nation. He has said that Nicolas Maduro of Venezuela… Full Transcript
Message from Mexico’s Indigenous Mountains
“Message from Mexico’s indigenous mountains.” This is an old story, not only because it occurred over a decade and a half ago, around 2003, but because it involves descendants of an ancient people, the indigenous… Full Transcript
Fall of Empire
“Fall of Empire.” Imagine living in almost any country in the world except the United States. Imagine looking at news accounts, reporting on the U.S. presidency for the last two years. Imagine what millions of… Full Transcript
Using Los Ninos as a Wall
“Using Los Ninos for a wall.” The wail of babies rips like a knife through millions of hearts. Children scared, alone, torn from their mothers, weep and wail as their families try to enter Fortress… Full Transcript
Murder Inc Excerpt: Slavery
Lets now hear from a spokesman for the Tennessee Tea Party. This group attempted to remove references of American slavery and the fact that the vast majority of the country’s founders were longstanding slaveowners from… Full Transcript
Murder Inc. The Latest Work
“Murder Inc. The Latest Work.” When does a book come to life? When a writer writes it or when a reader reads it? Thought such as these emerge as my latest work is released into… Full Transcript
My inmate number is ND7568, and the title of this piece is “Queen Elizabeth II and Imperialism.” This is Kenjuan Congo Jr., calling from a prison camp behind enemy lines. OnlinenevadaShops° , nike air skylon… Full Transcript