“Message from Mexico’s indigenous mountains.”
This is an old story, not only because it occurred over a decade and a half ago, around 2003, but because it involves descendants of an ancient people, the indigenous people of the Americas.
In the mountains, several hours west of Mexico city, lies the city called San Pedro [], an indigenous town of [] people. For years they engaged in light farming, the raising and bartering of magic mushrooms and some clothing production. In 2000, big businesses entered the town and tried to own all the water. The community rebelled, staging blockades and protests.
The moneyed class called in their armed enforcers, and before you knew it, violence struck San [], and about half a dozen people, five men and one women, were accused of killing a local flower grower, Isaac Baso. According to eyewitnesses, Baso slipped and fell down a canyon all by himself, but no matter.
Members of the local water committee organized to resist the seizure and sale of water by Mexican agricultural businesses took the fall: sentences of up to 50 years for defending water.
Several others have been charged but not captured. They are indigenous political prisoners of the liberal and neoliberal state of Mexico. Support them and their just struggle for the water that flows in the mountains.
From imprisoned nation, this is Mumia Abu-Jamal.
These commentaries are recorded by Noelle Hanrahan of Prison Radio.