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Howard Keylor: A Life of Labor and Liberation
For Howard Keylor, a long life in service to the working class began in his younger years in Ohio,where he saw miners going to work. In rural Ohio, not far from the Appalachians and near… Full Transcript
Leonard Leaves Prison
Just a few hours ago Leonard Peltier left the U.S. prison cell, what Indigenous people call the Iron House, and began the long trek home to North Dakota, where he was busted in 1975. His… Full Transcript
Mumia Reflects on Biden Commutations: “Not Enough”
How do you create an institution that dehumanizes, incarcerates and destroys the soul of tens of thousands of people? How do you do that? You don’t undo that by, in your last week, giving more… Full Transcript
Mumia’s reaction to Peltier’s commutation
Because Uhuru Means Freedom
When the U. S. government brought charges against the Black Liberation group known as the Uhuru House and its movement, the African Peoples Socialist Party, FBI agents raided homes and offices of its leaders and… Full Transcript
Sally O’Brien: Journalist for Justice
Sally O’Brien, a radio reporter for New York’s public radio WBAI FM, has given her final broadcast. In 1988 she began her signature show Where We Live, often co-hosted with Black Liberationist Safia Bukhari, herself… Full Transcript
A Mad Dash to the Right
As we look at this world, as the new year dawns, we must admit that the world is on the march, and if we’re honest it’s a march to the right. Why is this so?… Full Transcript
James Earl Carter American President
James Earl Carter (1924-2024). His name James Earl Carter junior was not a famous one, for few knew him by that name. But millions knew him by his nickname, his high-voltage smile and his Georgia accent as… Full Transcript
Congratulations Suzanne Ross
Suzanne Ross: My Journey to Become Anti-Zionist Full Transcript
Zimbabwe joined the No More Death Row Movement. The southern African nation of Zimbabwe, formerly known as Rhodesia under Britain’s colonial rule, has recently done something remarkable. The nation of some 14 and a half… Full Transcript
Election Day
The election is several weeks behind us. Yet why does it seem so close? So heavy upon the hearts of millions? It is at the very heart of the feeling of despair that follows like… Full Transcript
A Letter to Workers World Newspaper
Written March 18, 2000 The sickening attacks on gay people in cities across the nation recently is a reflection of the sickness that simmers at the core of the American soul. It is here that… Full Transcript
The End of Empire?
For years I’ve studied the histories of empires, especially their rise and their fall. Europe’s most illustrious example, Rome, grew from a city to a state and finally a world empire. When their men tired… Full Transcript
Thanks For The Artbook Contribution
My friends, I thank you for your contributions to the Artbook. Thank you contributors andpublisher. Art is that which makes us human, I always say, because it’s the sharing of our deeper inner selves with… Full Transcript
Mumia Embraces LGBTQ Liberation on 99.5 FM WBAI
IMPRISONED BLACK LIBERATION LEADER MUMIA ABU-JAMAL EMBRACES LGBTQ LIBERATION Provides exclusive, extended interview with queer radio program (New York) Mumia Abu-Jamal, an imprisoned heterosexual Black liberation leader and author of 13 books and thousands… Full Transcript
Bariki Hall: Maestra of Music
Her name was Bariki Hall Shabazz, but I knew her as “Maestra,” my music teacher. Her community knew her as “Sister Bariki” or “Mama Bariki,” a Black woman who, as the old saying goes, was… Full Transcript
Julian Assange Goes Home
Julian Assange finally goes home. Julian Assange of the online news agency known as Wikileaks had to wonder if this day would ever come, for he faced not only the enmity of governments including, of… Full Transcript
A Philly Boy And A Philly Band
A Philly boy, a Philly band, and Maze makes magic. Frankie Beverly is his name, and Maze became his band, and together they made beautiful and magical music that flowed through cookouts, family reunions, and… Full Transcript
Partial Victory For Uhuru
The proposed political frame up of leaders and supporters of the African Peoples Socialist Party, perhaps best known as the Uhuru Movement in St. Petersburg, Florida, has ended with a federal jury rejecting the government’s… Full Transcript
Dear friends, comrades, and associates. I send kudos to you all for sendingsupport to people inside of what has been called “the iron house” by ourbrother and comrade Leonard Peltier. I’m impressed with the spirit… Full Transcript