Prison Radio
Mumia Abu-Jamal

Dismiss all charges.

Three major radical figures are in the crosshairs of the U.S. government allegedly for “unregistered foreign agents of a foreign government” – Russia. They are Chairman Omali Yeshitela, head of the African People’s Socialist Party, headquartered in St. Petersburg, Florida, and two of his assistants: Penny Hess and Jesse Nevel.

The three are charged with being unregistered agents because they wrote or spoke out in defense of Russia’s position in the world today.

But so what? Arent people free today to speak their minds or write what they wish against U.S. government policy? Aren’t they protected by the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution?

When Chairman Yeshitela appeared in court in May of 2023 he did so in handcuffs, in leg irons for holding an opinion. So I guess if you’re a radical the First Amendment doesn’t really apply.

Consider this: Shortly after Yeshitela’s arraignment in irons, a U.S. Senator, a former foreign affairs chairman, Bob Menendez, was charged with not only being an unregistered foreign agent, but of allegedly receiving thousands of dollars, a sports car, and even gold bars from several foreign governments. And guess what he wore before court – I mean besides an expensive suit?

So much for equal justice under law.

And while both – Yeshitela and Menendez – are roughly the same age; one is a Black radical and a freedom fighter. The other is a wealthy, political connected politician. Guess who got the chains?

But the First Amendment, the freedom to write or say what one wishes, to what we say: Free the Uhuru 3!

Dismiss all the charges!
With love, not fear. This is Mumia Abu Jamal.