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Extreme Abuse at Red Onion State Prison

Kevin “Rashid” Johnson

It’s extreme abuse. It’s, I mean, it’s pretty much blatant racism. It’s really, it’s really hard, I guess, for people on the outside to really understand the context of that environment. The culture that comes into… Full Transcript

Heather Koon: Fate In The Hand of Strangers

Heather Jarvis

My name is Heather Jarvis, and I’m calling from the Ohio Reformatory for Women in Marysville, Ohio. I sat down with Heather Koon on a brisk morning by the bars crossed on the window. Inevitably,… Full Transcript

Gangsters in Government

Mumia Abu-Jamal

“Gangsters in Government.” In a matter of days, the Whte House has gone through its latest purge. Gone are stalwarts of the GOP, men like journalist Sean Spicer and former Republican National Committee chief Reince… Full Transcript

The Greatest American Hypocrisy

Khalfani Malik Khaldun

Good morning. My name is brother Khalfani Malik Khaldun. I am calling from in Indiana Department of Corrections, Wabash Valley Corrrectional Facility, and this is the greatest American hypocrisy, all power to the people. Since… Full Transcript

“Tears & a Smile”

Mumia Abu-Jamal

Tears and a smile. For many across America, the presidential election has left them distraught, awash with anxiety, fear, and dread. It seems surreal. A candidate caught on tape saying what he said, who launched… Full Transcript

For the Party Everything- For the People Nothing

Mumia Abu-Jamal

For the party, everything, for the people, nothing. It is, to say the least, somewhat disturbing to see how impassioned are the president and the first lady in bringing out the black vote for democratic… Full Transcript