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Election Day
The election is several weeks behind us. Yet why does it seem so close? So heavy upon the hearts of millions? It is at the very heart of the feeling of despair that follows like… Full Transcript
Hope for most of us stretches millions and millions of miles away. We become trapped inside a closed cell of fear and guilt, a bitter solitude. Hope is that thing where you can picture it’s… Full Transcript
They’re Letting It Happen
Hi my name is Krystal Denise Clark. My inmate number is 435064. I’m in WHV the Valley of Death with these demon doctors. Like I’ve been trying to get in touch with y’all for a… Full Transcript
Listen to the full commentary here: Hi, my name is Krystal Clark. My inmate number is 435064. I’m in WHV, the Valley of Death. This prison is terrible, ladies. I gotta catch my breath. I’m… Full Transcript
So, my name is Jamil Pirant. I’m calling from IYC [Indiana Youth Center], and this piece is called, “Anxiety.” I almost gave up. I know that’s a hella foul way to start that off. That’s… Full Transcript
With A Heavy Heart
Hello, I am Izell Robinson, Minnesota inmate number 210006. Today, I come to you all with, you know, a heavy heart because of everything that I’ve witnessed going on out there with the recent mass… Full Transcript
COVID Negligence
Okay, hi, my name is Brandi Oligney. I’m an inmate woman here on Valley Correctional Facility. I contracted COVID from working in the kitchen and they put me in a unit. I’m on medication to… Full Transcript
Whats Lurking In The Hallway?
Okay. My name is Stacy Anderson. My number is 821983. I’ve been incarcerated for 12 years and I was inspired by writing my own poem. I always had a vivid imagination, so I decided to… Full Transcript
Heather Koon: Fate In The Hand of Strangers
My name is Heather Jarvis, and I’m calling from the Ohio Reformatory for Women in Marysville, Ohio. I sat down with Heather Koon on a brisk morning by the bars crossed on the window. Inevitably,… Full Transcript
Using Los Ninos as a Wall
“Using Los Ninos for a wall.” The wail of babies rips like a knife through millions of hearts. Children scared, alone, torn from their mothers, weep and wail as their families try to enter Fortress… Full Transcript
The Politics Of Fear
“The Politics of Fear.” As I said previously, the recent events of Charlottesville, VA were turning points in American history, but what is its source? Its source is the source of American identity, for what… Full Transcript
Gangsters in Government
“Gangsters in Government.” In a matter of days, the Whte House has gone through its latest purge. Gone are stalwarts of the GOP, men like journalist Sean Spicer and former Republican National Committee chief Reince… Full Transcript
The National Disease of America
Don’t Get Trapped
This is Wilbert Sanders, also known as Jazz the Poet with one I called “Don’t Get Trapped.” Since music calms the savage beast, let’s compose a song with lyrics so strong, violence actually comes to… Full Transcript
Mean Men
The regime of Donald Trump has radiated a global aura of dread, fear and the bared teeth of the state as a predator, hungry for power. From Day One the Trump Regime has used fear,… Full Transcript
The Greatest American Hypocrisy
Good morning. My name is brother Khalfani Malik Khaldun. I am calling from in Indiana Department of Corrections, Wabash Valley Corrrectional Facility, and this is the greatest American hypocrisy, all power to the people. Since… Full Transcript
“Tears & a Smile”
Tears and a smile. For many across America, the presidential election has left them distraught, awash with anxiety, fear, and dread. It seems surreal. A candidate caught on tape saying what he said, who launched… Full Transcript
Shock & Awe
I didn’t see this coming. The words I never thought I’d say, “president Trump,” had become reality. In a remarkable campaign full of bile, hatred, fear and loathing, guess what? Fear won. Hatred now gulps… Full Transcript
For the Party Everything- For the People Nothing
For the party, everything, for the people, nothing. It is, to say the least, somewhat disturbing to see how impassioned are the president and the first lady in bringing out the black vote for democratic… Full Transcript
It’s extreme abuse. It’s, I mean, it’s pretty much blatant racism. It’s really, it’s really hard, I guess, for people on the outside to really understand the context of that environment. The culture that comes into… Full Transcript