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Now What?
“Now what?” After the U.S. House voted along party lines to impeach the U.S. President Donald Trump, headlines blared and pundits crowed about the news. But now what? It is all but certain that Trump… Full Transcript
Gangsters in Government
“Gangsters in Government.” In a matter of days, the Whte House has gone through its latest purge. Gone are stalwarts of the GOP, men like journalist Sean Spicer and former Republican National Committee chief Reince… Full Transcript
White Supremacist Controlling the White House
America is facing dire straits ahead. Donald J. Trump is now President-Elect, the Republicans have won the majority in the House and Senate, the majority of Governors are Republicans, Trump’s Cabinet positions are being filled… Full Transcript
The Coming
The coming. The time has come. No longer need economic leaders choose political puppets to do their legislative bidding. Today, they simply buy bribe or lie their way into political power. The late Eldridge Cleaver,… Full Transcript
Elections by the Numbers
The 2016 elections for the United States presidency was truly a nail-biter that went down to the wire to determine the winner. But in the end, Donald J. Trump seized electoral victory and has now… Full Transcript
For the Party Everything- For the People Nothing
For the party, everything, for the people, nothing. It is, to say the least, somewhat disturbing to see how impassioned are the president and the first lady in bringing out the black vote for democratic… Full Transcript
The Party is Over
In recent days, the presidential campaign has exploded. Videotapes of Donald J. Trump glorying in his sexual conquests (or attempts) have caused a hemorrhaging of support–especially among women, who are shocked and sickened by his… Full Transcript
Donald Trump: Genius or Idiot?
Make America White Again
The 2016 Republican National Convention, under the ponderous pressure of Donald Trump, was, in many ways, an escape back in time – to the 1950s, and ‘60s – an era when Barry Goldwater, Richard Nixon,… Full Transcript
Why Black and Latino Americans Won’t Vote for Trump or the Republican Party
Lets face some truths here, Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump has an image problem of being racist, xenophobic, sexist, and a politically unpolished blabbering brute. Trump represents everything that is wrong with the Republican Party.… Full Transcript
Trump’s Running Mate
President Barack Obama Blunders Supreme Court Nomination and Rejects Black Democratic Base
The Trump Party
It’s months from the conventions, but if today is any indicator, the results are all but guaranteed. No matter the results of the election, the impact in the Republican Party is clear. After years of… Full Transcript
We Don’t Need Another Moderate
With the passing of the hard-right ideologue Supreme Court Justice Antonio Scalia, President Obama has an opportunity to shape and sharpen the debate in the coming presidential election. But he’ll need to resist the corporate… Full Transcript
Brief Thoughts on Antonin Scalia, Presidential Nominations and Republican Obstructionism
A Black National Party is Needed
Muslims Not Welcome
The image of an imperious Republican presidential candidate, Donald Trump, speaks volumes as he calls for a ban on Muslims entering the U.S. The comments flood the globe, the latest expression of American fear, hatred… Full Transcript
States of Fear
Trump & The Politics of Resentment
When New York billionaire and GOP Presidential candidate Donald Trump launched into his anti-immigrant tirade against Mexicans crossing the border, he was using a long known political technique of plugging into the live wire of… Full Transcript
Hi, my name is Bambi. Most of you should already know me, I’m a transgender female. run the jewels x nike sb dunk low adidas Basic Insulated Μπουφάν Currently, I’m still being held in the… Full Transcript