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If There Were No Police
If there were no police, there would be more peace, No more violent deceased, the violence would cease. This ain’t fantasy, it’s fact. With their feet on our back, The pigs are the ones holding… Full Transcript
I have updates.I’ve asked for paperwork from my attorney, Miss Jackie. And I’ve been asking for a detainer, or a warrant: proof of a detainer or a warrant that they had to take me into… Full Transcript
Weaponization of the DOJ
“Weaponization of the DOJ.” This is Kenjuan Congo Jr. calling from a prison camp behind enemy lines. With the indictment of former President Donald Trump, it has been alleged that the Department of Justice has… Full Transcript
Straight Out of Memphis
Straight out of Memphis. It could have been anywhere, but fate chose Memphis, Tennessee, the place where Martin Luther King, Jr. breathed his last breath, and a musician named Elvis was crowned king. Memphis. In… Full Transcript
The London Police
My inmate number is ND7568. The title of this piece is “The London Police.” This is Kenjuan Congo, Jr. calling from a prison camp behind enemy lines. I recently released a commentary about Queen Elizabeth… Full Transcript
Jayland Walker’s Execution
Hey, this is comrade Pitt. So after watching a video of Jayland Walker’s execution by Akron police, to say my blood was boiling is an understatement. He did evade police, but that is not a… Full Transcript
Another Life, Another Loss
“Another Life, Another Loss.” They came to America to escape from inter-ethnic wars in the DRC, the Democratic Republic of Congo, in Central Africa. Like many refugees of war, they thought that America was the… Full Transcript
Suicide Or Murder?
This is Joadanus Olivas, currently housed in New Folsom State Prison. The title is “Suicide or Murder?” The voices of older prisoners resonate in my brain. One in particular is the voice of Old G… Full Transcript
Racist Backlash to Black Progress
Greetings and revolutionary love and solidarity. Once again, this is Uhuru Rowe, prison slave number 1131545, speaking to you live on this fourth day of November, 2021, from Greensville Correctional Center in Jarratt, VA. I… Full Transcript
Physical Abuse at Women’s Huron Valley
Hey y’all. My name is Naykima Hill and I’m at Women’s Huron’s Valley. We have a situation. I called some time ago and it went viral about how we’re being treated in this prison. Right… Full Transcript
Hey y’all, this is Comrade Pitt, Peter Kamal Mukuria, 1197165, currently here at Red Onion Prison, Virginia. So upon my arrival here at Red Onion Prison, I was subject to retaliation such as being deprived… Full Transcript
Sentencing of Derek Chauvin
Hi, my name is Derrick Gibson, a prisoner incarcerated in the Pennsylvania Department of Corrections. The sentencing of ex-police officer Derek Chauvin is again a travesty of injustice by a brazenly racist system, that the… Full Transcript
Thoughts on Derek Chauvin’s Sentencing
What’s up everybody, it’s Uptown Serg, and these are my thoughts on the Derek Chauvin sentencing. As a human rights activist who came into being while incarcerated, my natural inclination is to approach the fight… Full Transcript
Gun Violence Against Children
I am Izell Robinson, Minnesota, inmate number 21006. An innocent man confined within the quadrilaterals of systemic injustice fighting to be heard and affect positive change. Yet to accomplish success, I need you the listeners… Full Transcript
Shooting in Wichita Kansas
This is Bilal Abdul-Salam Bey, also known as Charley Hughes, inmate at Hutchinson Correctional Facility in Hutchinson, KS. This piece is just an update on, uh, a shooting that happened in Wichita, KS on Monday,… Full Transcript
Lyrical Verse
I am Izell Robinson, Minnesota inmate number 320006, an innocent man confined within the quadrilaterals of systemic injustice, fighting to be heard and affect positive change. Yet, to accomplish success, I need you, the listeners,… Full Transcript
Daunte Wright
So this commentary is on the murder of Daunte Wright. Um, the cycle continues. Um, it’s funny how less than 10 miles from where the trial of Derek Chauvin, the pig who murdered George Floyd,… Full Transcript
The Look
It’s called “The Look” for the people who, uh, believe in one race, one world, one color, which is human. I tried not to speak on the murder by the Minnesota officers. The look on… Full Transcript
Say His Name: Duante Wright
Say his name: Daunte Wright. Now let’s pause. This rampant killing and incarceration of black men in Minnesota must stop. The civil unrest is only a grieving response that at times take the form of… Full Transcript
When the U. S. government brought charges against the Black Liberation group known as the Uhuru House and its movement, the African Peoples Socialist Party, FBI agents raided homes and offices of its leaders and… Full Transcript