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Because Uhuru Means Freedom

Mumia Abu-Jamal

When the U. S. government brought charges against the Black Liberation group known as the Uhuru House and its movement, the African Peoples Socialist Party, FBI agents raided homes and offices of its leaders and… Full Transcript

If There Were No Police

Kevin “Rashid” Johnson

If there were no police, there would be more peace,  No more violent deceased, the violence would cease.  This ain’t fantasy, it’s fact. With their feet on our back,  The pigs are the ones holding… Full Transcript

Racist Backlash to Black Progress

Uhuru Rowe

Greetings and revolutionary love and solidarity. Once again, this is Uhuru Rowe, prison slave number 1131545, speaking to you live on this fourth day of November, 2021, from Greensville Correctional Center in Jarratt, VA. I… Full Transcript

Thoughts on Derek Chauvin’s Sentencing

Sergio Hyland

What’s up everybody, it’s Uptown Serg, and these are my thoughts on the Derek Chauvin sentencing. As a human rights activist who came into being while incarcerated, my natural inclination is to approach the fight… Full Transcript