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Golden Nuggets
This one is for the University of Michigan’s Prisoner Creative Arts Program. We call that “P-CAP.” It’s for the creative writing final I’m going to do here in two weeks. I call it, “Golden Nuggets.… Full Transcript
My name is Larry Stromberg and I’m going to read my poem, Unseen. Unseen. Days fly by with lightning speed. Nights vanish into darkness. The world spins into another tomorrow. I stand in the middle… Full Transcript
If There Were No Police
If there were no police, there would be more peace, No more violent deceased, the violence would cease. This ain’t fantasy, it’s fact. With their feet on our back, The pigs are the ones holding… Full Transcript
Cell Blocks: Young, Gifted, and Black
This is “Cell Blocks Full of Young, Gifted, and Black,” by Kevin “Rashid” Johnson. If ever you want to discover a place of boundless treasure, where sisters and brothers can be found with talents beyond… Full Transcript
Earth’s Wretched Breaks Free
The Earth’s Wretched break free. Forgotten. He’ll be gotten. Of lowly birth. High and most, hated most, The Wretched of the Earth. Called the criminal element, irrelevant to the power elite. By them unprotected, but… Full Transcript
Black Woman and Man United
Who’s been the key to our survival since our arrival on western shoresIn scores of slave ship holdsUnder the whip to be sold,But now, when told history is flipped to deny her role,Her very soul… Full Transcript
Sociology Poem
I took a Sociology course through Albion College, and this poem was about that course: To me, this course was about nourishing a new neurological route. Flipped inside out, my heart’s ventricles should be tied… Full Transcript
Dear Lord Jesus
Banished away from freedom, from bars to race chain shackles, my feet plastered onto a land of shadows. Straddling inside a grieving landscape built with metal and stone, my heart colds, spiritually devastated. I look… Full Transcript
The Awakening
The Awakening. Toxin vibrating through our ears. Are we woke enough to hear? No doubt. For us to awaken some elite fear. They rather us sleep. That’s clear. But I ask, Are you awoke for… Full Transcript
Invisible To A World
Raymond White The title to this poem is called “Invisible to a World.” I have been invisible to a world for so long. Am I even still considered a human being? The sun, moon, stars,… Full Transcript
Never Repeat It Again
Hi, my name is Charles Carpenter. My prison number is V08580. The poem that I want to recite today is called “Never Repeat it Again”. The concept of the poem is – I’m the older… Full Transcript
Unnamed Poem
This poem is unnamed. Final performance; the day after: torments. And my heart flutters with the pitter-patter of longing *PCAP family, truly our family cultivating a sense of belonging, The resounding resonance of missing our… Full Transcript
Tragic Static
Hey guys, this is Steve Nicholson, 492918 from Cotton Correctional Facility in Jackson, MI, and I just wanted to say that all of our prayers go out to the families of the children in Texas… Full Transcript
Variety Blues
Alright, this is Steven Nicholson in Cotton Correctional Facility from Jackson, MI, 492918. I just wanted to go on the record. We are one prison out of three in Michigan right now that is trying… Full Transcript
My Material
Hi, my name is Robert Neibler and the name of my piece is, “My Material.” It beats. I breathe. I rise. As I search this world for meaning and my shining light still I rewind… Full Transcript
20,000 Days
Alright, my name is Steven Nicholson here at Cotton Correctional Facility in Jackson, MI. The name of this poem is “20,000 Days.” Sometimes I feel like a miserable, minuscule, pitiful, little fool. 20,000 days on… Full Transcript
Death Around The Corner
My name is Lexter Almagro. I’m calling from Donovan State Prison. The title of the poem is called “Death Around the Corner.” Got half my anger received and I’m overcome by self control. Replace my… Full Transcript
16. Martin Espada – Another Nameless Prostitute Says The Man Is Innocent
This is the poem that NPR didn’t want you to hear. It’s called, “Another Nameless Prostitute Says The Man Is Innocent,” for Mumia Abu-Jamal, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Camden, New Jersey April 1997. ‘The board-blinded windows knew… Full Transcript
This is Charles Carpenter. I’m currently incarcerated at Corcoran SATF [Substance Abuse Treatment Facility]. I’ve been incarcerated for 23 years. The title of this piece is called, “Shaped Into A Diamond.” Sneakers – adidas by9405… Full Transcript