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Golden Nuggets

Steven Nicholson

This one is for the University of Michigan’s Prisoner Creative Arts Program. We call that “P-CAP.” It’s for the creative writing final I’m going to do here in two weeks.  I call it, “Golden Nuggets.… Full Transcript

If There Were No Police

Kevin “Rashid” Johnson

If there were no police, there would be more peace,  No more violent deceased, the violence would cease.  This ain’t fantasy, it’s fact. With their feet on our back,  The pigs are the ones holding… Full Transcript

Cell Blocks: Young, Gifted, and Black

Kevin “Rashid” Johnson

This is “Cell Blocks Full of Young, Gifted, and Black,” by Kevin “Rashid” Johnson.  If ever you want to discover a place of boundless treasure, where sisters and brothers can be found with talents beyond… Full Transcript

Earth’s Wretched Breaks Free

Kevin “Rashid” Johnson

The Earth’s Wretched break free. Forgotten. He’ll be gotten. Of lowly birth. High and most, hated most, The Wretched of the Earth. Called the criminal element, irrelevant to the power elite. By them unprotected, but… Full Transcript

Dear Lord Jesus

Raymond White

Banished away from freedom, from bars to race chain shackles, my feet plastered onto a land of shadows. Straddling inside a grieving landscape built with metal and stone, my heart colds, spiritually devastated. I look… Full Transcript

The Awakening

Izell Robinson

The Awakening. Toxin vibrating through our ears. Are we woke enough to hear? No doubt. For us to awaken some elite fear. They rather us sleep. That’s clear. But I ask, Are you awoke for… Full Transcript

16. Martin Espada – Another Nameless Prostitute Says The Man Is Innocent

Mumia Abu-Jamal

This is the poem that NPR didn’t want you to hear. It’s called, “Another Nameless Prostitute Says The Man Is Innocent,” for Mumia Abu-Jamal, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Camden, New Jersey April 1997. ‘The board-blinded windows knew… Full Transcript