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20th Anniversary of CUAPB
“20th anniversary of CUAPB.” Thank you Michelle Gross of Communities United Against Police Brutality in Minneapolis, Minnesota. I congratulate you all for reaching the twentieth anniversary, even as I recognize it is a shame that… Full Transcript
Between A Rock And A Hard Place
“Between A Rock And A Hard Place.” As the nation’s two major political parties scramble for supremacy of this current political season, more is at stake than mere democracy. Black America faces inchoate choices which… Full Transcript
Permanent Political Seasons
“Permanent Political Season.” It’s political season. When politicians come around and promise happy days are coming, a chicken in every pot and a dessert of iced sugar plums to come, they smile. They prance. Some… Full Transcript
State of Disunion
“State of Disunion.” Like every president before him, Donald Trump announced that the state of the union is strong, his Queens accent giving double count to the last word. But this is what presidents are… Full Transcript
DN Interview Amy Goodman
Choose Your Poison
The Rise of the Imperial Feminine
If Democratic hopes are fulfilled, Hillary Rodham Clinton will shortly become the 45th President of the United States, the first of her gender in history. While that is indeed remarkable, it should be noted that… Full Transcript
Who’s Running?
Beyond Bernie
Prisoners Can Pay Taxes but Can’t Vote
It has been long established in America that there can be no taxation on citizens without representation, but in Pennsylvania (PA) prisoners pay taxes, but can’t vote. In the Commonwealth State of Pennsylvania, the PA… Full Transcript
Voting for Your Pain
An election is occurring tonight. It’s a primary, one of dozens to come. It matters not where — or, for the most part, even who. Elections are public expressions of emotion, as in ‘who do… Full Transcript
Political Masters, Financial Servants
The Representative or the Represented?
Recently, a Black congresswoman from Florida revealed that white legislators from the state’s redistricting body changed her district to include the states overcrowded but under represented prisons, thereby insuring her defeat when the next election… Full Transcript
My inmate number is ND7568. I’m gonna call this recording “Politicians Re-running.” This is Kenjuan Congo, Jr. calling from a prison camp behind enemy lines. I had a conversation with Ali about politicians and politics… Full Transcript