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Come Get Me
Jamil Pirant
My name is Jamil. I’m at IDC, Indiana Department of Corrections. And this is call “To My Tribe.” Over the last two weeks, I’ve been going through a range of level of anxiety, stuff I… Full Transcript
Parole Board
Jamil Pirant
My name is Jamil Pirant. I’m calling from Indiana DOC. This is called “Parole Board.” Maybe two weeks ago, I was at work, and I heard the CO come on the floor and say, “Who… Full Transcript
Another Struggle
Mumia Abu-Jamal
“Another Struggle.” My beloved friends, I would be remiss if I did not take this opportunity to mention my dear big brother Keith Cook. Happy birthday, brother. We gather again another day in another year,… Full Transcript
Yeah, well, hello, this is Mr. Eddie Treadwell calling from Alger Correctional Facility here in Michigan. My prison number is 205017. adidas Pacer 3-Stripes Woven , Украина #151574940 , Укороченная футболка adidas — цена 260… Full Transcript