“For Freedom: Kim Kardashian West Strikes Again” by Kerry “Shakaboona” Marshall.
Reality TV star Kim Kardashians West is surprising everyone by championing the cause of freedom for incarcerated Black women and men serving mandatory death by incarceration sentences, whom have become targets of a white supremacist U.S. domestic policy of mass incarceration and social control of Black and Latino American populations.
Last week, Kim Kardashian West strikes again for prisoners’ freedom by appearing at the White House with her team of law professors and criminal justice reform advocates. To meet with top advisors Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner to discuss criminal justice reform and a presidential pardon for Chris Young, a Tennessee man serving a mandatory death by incarceration sentence in federal prison for drug trafficking.
Kim Kardashian West seems to be outdoing herself, for in May 2018, he obtained a presidential pardon from Trump for Alice Johnson, a 63-year-old Memphis grandmother serving a mandatory death by incarceration sentence for drug offenses. And now, Kardashian West is seeking to overhaul the entire rotten criminal justice system in America. Whoa!
When, why and how did Kim Kardashian West catch the activist bug, who knows? But what we do know is that she’s got it. She also gets it. Kim Kardashian West may have not taken a knee, sat down, or raise the clenched fist protest over police murder and mass incarceration of black Americans during the U.S. National Anthem at sports events as many Black and Caucasian athletes have done, but she has gotten a black grandmother serving a mandatory death by incarceration sentence released from prison by a presidential pardon.
Is attempting to get a second incarcerated person serving a mandatory death by incarceration sentence released about presidential pardon. And is at power meetings with her legal team at the White House seeking to overhaul the criminal justice system. Can Black celebrities say the same? Again, Kim Kardashian West gets it. Symbolism without substance and struggle ain’t hush your mouth.
From the belly of the beast at Prison Radio, I am Shakaboona. Thank you for listening.
These commentaries are recorded by Noelle Hanrahan of Prison Radio.