Prison Radio
Bobby Joe Main

Hi, my name is Bobby Main, my number 874670. I currently live in Women’s Huron Valley Correctional Facility. I’m calling regarding my friend Krystal Clark. She needs help. She’s severely sick, and this prison is refusing to provide her any care. They’re retaliating and not allowing her to have her visits and plan with her mail and JPay, delaying all her mail.

Her face and her throat is so swollen, and she’s in so much pain. They’re not treating her, and the doctor’s refusing to allow anyone else to even look at her or treat her, telling Krystal that he’s her doctor, and no one else is allowed to do anything to help her. He keeps lying and continues to cover up his actions because he knows he’s wrong in how he’s treating her, making her retake tests that she’s already completed that he said was normal previously. But if the tests were normal, she wouldn’t have had to retake these tests.There’s clearly something wrong. Anyone can see the swelling, the pain, the spots on her skin, her swelling literally in her face, the mold in her ears. She’s barely even able to walk, she’s having to use a walker. They took all her details from her. She gets dizzy. Her throat, it’s so swollen that she can’t hardly speak some days.

She is not getting help, and if she doesn’t get the help that she needs, she’s going to die in this prison, and we cannot let that happen. This girl is having a hard time eating because she’s having bowel issues, and her stomach hurts, she’s having a lot of stomach pain. Her ears—her ears are so bad that you can literally visibly see the mold. She asked for pictures to be taken. The doctor is refusing to even take the pictures so she could have them on her records, and he knows this mold but he’s covering it up. She can’t see, her vision is going, she’s having blurry vision. Her eyes are swollen, and there’s days she can’t keep her eyes open. She’s got hives everywhere, she has a skin rash. She can’t breathe, and she’s having her heart race constantly. I’ve known Krystal for seven years, and I’ve never seen my friend look like this. She needs some help, please. Please, people, whoever can help her please reach out to help her so this cannot continue.

Her video visits—she’s not being able to see her family. They’re listening to her phone calls and reading her JPay. Anytime I try to help her or anyone else tries to help her we get threatened. I get threatened with tickets every day trying to help her. If I try to pick up her tray because she’s not feeling well I get told, “Oh, well you can’t pick up her tray. She needs to come get it herself.” This girl cannot walk to the chow hall most days because she’s in so much pain, and she can’t not eat. She has to eat. They put her on this medicine, this anti-fungal for 90 days, trying to clear it up and telling her she has to have her MRI. So they’re trying to make her take the medicine and clear it up before she gets this MRI done, but the medicine is making her heart race and causing her blood pressure that could be in heart attack range.

This girl is going to die. This doctor in here is not doing anything to help her. He’s covering up his own ass, lying in her records—in the medical records—about her and changing every single word she says, and he’s only putting what he said to her. And it keeps going on. And this girl keeps going in circles with these doctors. And this is not Krystal. This isn’t the same person I met seven years ago in this facility. She’s tired, she’s exhausted, she’s crying to me, and I have to help her every single day because she has no one to help her.

I don’t care about the retaliation. I don’t care about what these people are going to do to me because I’m helping her, because this girl needs someone to step up for her. She’s like a sister to me, and she’s like a sister to everyone in this prison. She fights for us, she’s there for us, she will give us her last, and yet they continue to treat her like crap. Somebody needs to fight for her. So, please, anybody out there, fight for this girl. Help her get her the help she needs.

These commentaries are recorded by Prison Radio.