My name is Mr. Eddy Treadwell. I’m at Michigan prison, Brooks Correctional Facility, and I would just want to speak a little bit briefly about the need to be free from prison.
I know freedom is more than just physical freedom. It also is mental freedom, like a lot of times we be trapped in. I think the prison that we create within our minds is more stronger than any wall or fence, that a man can erect, right? But I’ve been having strong desire for physical freedom as well as mental freedom. I strive every day to free myself of the ideas and thoughts that I may accompany within my mind that I know that’s hindering me, to hold me back, to keep me confined to a particular type of idea, a particular type of concept or whatnot, philosophy of life.
But I have a desire to be physically free, because I know once I’m physically free, then I can reach out and touch as many people as I possibly can through my freedom to reach out, to move around, move through here and there, right. In prison I’m stifled. My reach is limited, right, I cannot soar to be all that I can be. It’s like putting the lamp shade up on the lamp, the light still shine, but when you put the shade on it, it dims the light. And I feel that my light, my God given talents that I possess, have been dimmed by the prison walls, and I need to fight urgently to obtain my freedom, like I’ve been doing for the last 35 years in prison. Trying to keep my mind, body and soul healthy and be at peace with myself within my conditions as I strive to be an asset and a benefit to those whom I come in contact with.
I just recently created a Facebook page that I’m trying to gain followers, people who I can communicate with and associate with and try to help spread ideas that we can actually put into existence. We want to manifest the ideas and thoughts that we come up with. See, we’re not lacking in the ideas, we just lacking in the ability to come together, collectivity, you know? So I’m reaching out, trying to find people who are like minded, who have a desire for change, a desire to do better, just have the creative spirit inside of them, to build something that’s lasting and great within each and every one of our communities, as well as trying to free the lost souls in prison. Because prison is, as we know, it’s a modern day plantation. Slavery has been transformed and preserved through the prison system, you know, so we need to try to figure out a way to try to end mass incarceration throughout the United States, and try to be a asset to the communities and raising our children and supporting our elderly, you know.
I have a Facebook page, let me do that very briefly before my time run out. It’s E-D-D-Y, Treadwell, T-R-E-A-D-W-E-L-L. So log on and whatever they call it, befriend the site.( I welcome any and everybody to connect and see what we can do to try to make a difference, y’know. And say, I don’t want to live as long as I want, but as long as I ought, as long as my life could be of assistance to others, then it’s my duty to preserve it. So I’m trying to preserve my life because I know I got a lot of love to give, a lot of knowledge and experiences to share with those who have an ear here. So with that, I leave you as I came, in peace. Have a wonderful day. My name is Eddy Treadwell, peace.
These commentaries are recorded by Prison Radio.