I’m calling from Women’s Huron Valley. My name is Brandi. My name is Brandi. It’s 594 695.
There’s just, there’s been an outbreak of COVID in here, and they locked us all in a unit, but we’re not getting any health care. They’re not even giving us the medication, like me, personally, I’m not getting the medication I’m on so now I’m going through with drawls on top of having COVID. And I asked for some attention on this from officers, and they just…I’ve asked two different times today, and I’ve even talked to shift command about it and I just keep getting blown off. And I’m sick. And what happens when, when you start to detox off this medication I’m on, is your body produces even more phlegm. With COVID that’s not good, but two different times I’ve tried to get some answers, and I’m getting nowhere. They just treat me like a piece of crap. Nobody’s getting healthcare in here.
There is 10 people that are, for sure positive, probably more than that now, because they brought more in. I don’t know how many people are in the room. They put all the positive people in a unit, but they’re not giving us any health care. I can’t understand why they treat people like this. It’s awful. ‘Cause you can’t just throw people in a unit and then call it good and not even see a doctor. It’s crazy. And then, then they just keep adding more and more people over here, but they’re not doing anything for us.
The water, the unit was shut down for months, so the water was brown when we got in here, couldn’t even drink the water. I don’t know it’s just awful. But I’ll, I’ll keep you informed on what’s going on. They, they tried to lock– they tried lockin’ us down, but it didn’t fly. They tried to this morning, but it didn’t work, so for the most part, yeah, but if we don’t have people that know who to call or whatever, then, like my family, don’t know who to call, you know, because they don’t answer here, they don’t answer here. Nobody can get any answers here.
These commentaries are recorded by Prison Radio.