Greetings. My name is Charles Carrington. On November 24th, 2023, at SCI [State Correctional Institution] Rockview. Sergeant Mosser, Officer Richards, and Kirchner hung nooses inside the officer stations that they fabricated out of white extension cords on A Unit.
After inmates noticed the noose hangings inside the station, a fellow inmate approached the station, asked Sergeant Mosser “Why is there a noose hanging?” He responded “It’s Black Friday,” and laughed. After seeing tensions of inmates rising on the units, the lights were cut off inside the station to prevent inmates from seeing inside the station. Myself and others filed grievances immediately, demanding the involving staff be both fired. Facility Manager Solomon and Captain Andrews failed to investigate this hate crime and did everything to keep it in house. They also failed to reprimand and remove the involving officers from the unit. Both Facility Manager Solomon and Captain Andrews denied all grievances filed by myself and others. Myself and others contacted outside advocates, such as Pennsylvania Prison Society, San Francisco Solidarity Collective, and the Abolitionist Law Center. With their help, Bret Pallotto was brave enough to publish it in the Centre Daily Times newspaper on March 15th.
On March 19th, 2024, myself and others at SCI Rockview who filed grievances were wrongfully taken to the restricted housing unit without a misconduct. While in the RHU [restricted housing unit], I was starved and threatened and immediately transferred six hours away from my family and friends to SCI [State Correctional Institution] Fayette. Upon my arrival, mistreatment continued. I was threatened by Sergeant (unintelligible) who told me that he “would have hung me from the noose at SCI Rockview, that’s how we do things here at SCI Fayette.” He also denied me meals and showers until April 6th. Officer Niesman and Thomas confiscated all my property. All my family photos, religious books, food, mail, and legal materials–all in attempt to deter me from filing a civil lawsuit. I have absolutely nothing. Both Facility Manager Walker and Major Tex have turned a blind eye to this mistreatment I endured by this administration. And they also denied all grievances. I appreciate all the support and concern.
These commentaries are recorded by Prison Radio.