Hello, traveler. How y’all doing out there? This is Faluch Bigsby for the World Nation. First, Peter Chapter two, Verse nine. We have an elect race of world priesthood for those that believe. All right. Today, I know I’ve been pretty serious in my past little skits here on the radio. So today, I just want to tell you guys a joke [laughs] to let you know that I’m not always serious. So here goes. I’m not pretty good at this, but I’m gonna try to do it anyway. I’m sure some of you have heard of Swing Blade.
So Swing Blade used to work at the Dollar General. And he used to be security down there. And the lady that ran the place was Ellie Mae. So Ellie Mae went to him and said, “All right, Swing, do you think maybe you could go down there to the police station, they need new deputies, and they’re looking for people to fill out applications”. He said, “All right, I reckon I will.” So he shoots on down to the police station knocks on the door, the sheriff opens up says, “What can I do you for son?” And he said, “Well, I reckon I’m here to get one of them job applications.” “Well”, the guy says, “well, first, you gotta go through a screening. We want to know how educated you are. Can you tell us what one plus one is?” He says, “Mhmm, 11”. “Well, that ain’t right”. He said give me two days of the week that start with the letter T. And he said, “Today and tomorrow”. He said. “Okay”, he said, “Well, can you tell me who killed Abraham Lincoln?” They said, “I don’t rightly know.” He said, “Well, when you figure that out, come back and let me know”. So he shoots on back that up to the Dollar General. Ellie Mae says, “Well damn, how did that job interview go?” He says, “I reckon with pretty good, they already got me working on a murder case” [laughs].
Alright, so I know a little corny, but I figured I wanted to go out of this year with a little bit of cheer instead of thinking about serious stuff. Because next year, we should come together and try to make some new year’s resolutions and figure out how we’re going to better ourselves. For right now we should just relax and enjoy the presence and the family and the gifts. And with that, I just want you guys to know that I’m praying for you all and I hope that you have a great New Year. God bless. This is Faluch Bigsby, signing off.
These commentaries are recorded by Prison Radio.