This is Bilal Abdul-Salam Bey also known as Charley Hughes, number 96576, inmate at Hudson Correctional Facility here in Hudson, Kansas. As you all know, this piece is about resolutions being passed here in Kansas through the Free Kansas movement. This is second part to the first resolution. This part will be on economic development.
Number one: to force full employment for all people. Therefore be it resolved that the Free Kansas movement will build businesses in our communities to ensure that our residents who are able and willing to work will have full employment. Be it finally resolved that the Free Kansas movement will provide workforce centers to give our residents training and work skills so they can perform their jobs to the best of their abilities.
Number two: supports the building of institutions that benefit the community. Therefore be it resolved that the Free Kansas movement pushes for the building of institutions that will benefit the residents and not the government. Be it finally resolved that once these institutions are built, they will be the private property of the community in which they are built.
Number three: supports tax-free property. Therefore be it resolved that the Free Kansas movement calls for community property to be free from paying property taxes.
That concludes part two, and now we move on to part three: education.
Number one: supports decent and beneficial education. Therefore be it resolved that the Free Kansas movement calls for an educational system that teaches children about their rightful place in society and how to succeed in life. Be it further resolved that the Free Kansas movement will prepare educational curriculum that will help children prosper and succeed in life.
Number two: summer learning program, Guiding Light Foundation. Therefore be it resolved that the Free Kansas movement will create a summer learning program for youth ages 12 through 18. The program will be under Guiding Light Foundation. Be it further resolved that this program will teach youth such things as computer skills, positive attitude, development, coping skills, how to write a resume, etcetera.
Number three: grant program for college. Therefore be it resolved that the Free Kansas movement will create grants for high school juniors and seniors so they can go to colleges of their own choice. Be it further resolved that the Free Kansas movement will maintain a fund for this program so we can pay the tuition for the youth through our grants.
Number four: book and supplies drive. Therefore be it resolved that the Free Kansas movement will provide up-to-date books and supplies to families who can’t afford it in order to further their children’s education. Be it further resolved that the Free Kansas movement will host food events to raise funds for the books and supplies.
That concludes part two and three. And coming up, you will have part four. May you all have a blessed day. Once again, this is Bilal Abdul-Salam Bey, also known as Charley Hughes, number 96576.
Those wishing to reach me or write me may do so by writing Charley Hughes, C H A R L E Y H U G H E S number 96576, Hutchinson Correctional Facility, P.O. Box 1568, Hutchinson, Kansas, 67504. Thank you for your time, effort and energy.
These commentaries are recorded by Noelle Hanrahan of Prison Radio.