This is Bilal Abdul-Salam Bey. also known as Charley Hughes number 96576, a prisoner at the Hutchinson Correctional Facility. This concludes part four and five of the resolution for the Free Kansas movement.
Part four: healthcare.
Number one: health care insurance program. Therefore be it resolved that the Free Kansas movement call for health insurance to be provided for to all Kansans for costs of $5 per month and those that aren’t able to afford it be awarded free coverage. Be it finally resolved that the Free Kansas movement will create a community treasury to pay for health insurance.
Number two: healthcare clinics. Therefore be it resolved that the Free Kansas movement calls for health care clinics to provide care for residents free of charge. Be it finally resolved that the Free Kansas movement will train healthcare providers from our community to work in these clinics.
Three: mental health for prisoners. Therefore be it resolved that the Free Kansas movement calls for proper treatment of prisoners who have mental health diagnosis. Be it finally resolved that the Free Kansas movement call for prisoners who are diagnosed with mental health disorders to be moved from state prisons to mental health institutions in order to receive the treatment they deserve.
Part five: housing.
Number one: decent housing. Therefore be it resolved that decent health would be provided for all that is fit for the shelter of human beings. Be it finally resolved that the Free Kansas movement will work with HUD in order to provide decent housing in our communities.
This concludes the resolution for the Free Kansas movement. Those wishing to reach me may do so by running Charley Hughes, C H A R L E Y H U G H E S, number 96576, Hutchison Correctional Facility, PO box 1568. Kansas 67504.
Thank you for your time, effort and energy.
These commentaries are recorded by Noelle Hanrahan of Prison Radio.