A series of essays by Mumia celebrating the life of people who’s lives served the struggle.
Thousands of Black Women
CLR James
Mumia Abu-Jamal
In celebration of African Heritage Month, for profiles and excellence, we honor CLR James, 1901 to 1989. James was many things over a long distinguished career—revolutionary organizer, historian, professor, journalist, are just some of them.… Full Transcript
Tupac Shakur
Billy Holliday
Moses Fleetwood Walker
Albizu Campos
Chinua Achebe
Osborne Anderson
Harriet Tubman
Shirley Chisholm
Mumia Abu-Jamal
In celebration of African heritage month for profiles in excellence, we honor Shirley Chisholm 1924 to 2005, broke a number of barriers on the battlefield of politics. She was the first Black woman elected to… Full Transcript
In celebration of African Heritage Month, for profiles in excellence, we honor thousands of Black women, many known and unknown who fought in the trenches for Black freedom, not only in the Civil Rights movement,… Full Transcript