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35. John Edgar Wideman Speaks
My name is John Edgar Wideman. There is a kind of glory in the struggle. I was lucky enough to be in South Africa when Mandela- the day he was released, and I heard him… Full Transcript
34. Its Not Nice To Fool With Mother Nature
You were taught that you control nature. Remember how water seems pent it and trapped till the dam breaks and crumbles and dies like its maker. To blockade life’s plan is cruel, fatal, blind, deadly… Full Transcript
33. Judi Bari Speaks
32. Blackmun Bows Out Of Death Game
31. Manning Marable Speaks
Sweet Roxanne
For her people, this tiny, fiery, coffee colored woman was a legend. Welfare mother, welfare activist, militant Chairwoman of the Philadelphia chapter of Welfare Rights Organization, and then with her hard work and iron will,… Full Transcript
29. Assata Shakur Speaks
28. No Laws, No Rights
A federal civil rights trial in Philadelphia charging seven former Graterford prison guards with violating the civil rights of a number of prisoners by severely beating them while they were shackled and cuffed hand and… Full Transcript
27. Justice Bruce Wright Speaks
I am Justice Bruce Wright, retired state Supreme Court justice here in New York. And all too often law has little or nothing to do with justice, and “Law and Order” is the cry heard… Full Transcript
26. De Profundis
“De Profundis”: One is amazed, and even astonished, to consider those millions who today claim spiritual lineage from a being called Christ. For if one were from outer space, and able to view life on… Full Transcript
25. Robert Meeropol Speaks
This is Robert Meeropol. I am the Executive Director of the Rosenberg Fund for Children, and also the younger son of Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, who were executed by the government of the United States… Full Transcript
NAFTA: A Pact Made In Hell (1998)
Much has been said and written on NAFTA, the North American Free Trade Agreement. As the economy lurches into recession after recession, some are selling NAFTA as the be all, end all, a solution to… Full Transcript
South Africa, the beautiful yet haunted land of racist repression most vile, has marched past its Western neighbor the United States. As its highest court, the 11 member Constitutional Court, found the death penalty as… Full Transcript