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In Solitary Confinement
Christopher “Naeem” Trotter
My name is Christopher Trotter. I’m calling from inside the belly of the beast at Wabash Valley Correctional Facility. I served 20 years in solitary confinement. And I just wanted to share something with you… Full Transcript
Lisa Strawn
Lisa Strawn, CMS Vacaville, “Acceptance.” Currently where I am and who I am, I’m not accepted for anything. Being a trans woman in a man’s prison, I’m not entitled to acceptance. The reality of acceptance… Full Transcript
Hi, my name is Nicole Monique Quinones, I’m a trans female, housed in an all male facility at SCI Fayette. In 2021, at SCI Albion in Pennsylvania, an all male facility, I was raped and… Full Transcript