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Farewell Rafael
Mumia Abu-Jamal
“Farewell, Rafael.” His name was Rafael Cancel Miranda and most, I fear, hear the name but know it not. That is regrettable, but we hope afterwards that will no longer be the case. He was… Full Transcript
Venezuela, Again
Mumia Abu-Jamal
“Venezuela Again.” Several years ago during the early days of Hugo Chavez’ presidency, U.S. Forces supported a coup attempt against it and the barrios of Caracas exploded in support for the former military officer. The… Full Transcript
Puerto Rico: A Colony By Any Name
Mumia Abu-Jamal
“Puerto Rico: A Colony By Any Name.” On Christopher Columbus’s second voyage to what was called the West Indies, he visited Puerto Rico, called Borinquen by the Arawak natives of the island. Columbus docked in… Full Transcript
Sally O’Brien, a radio reporter for New York’s public radio WBAI FM, has given her final broadcast. In 1988 she began her signature show Where We Live, often co-hosted with Black Liberationist Safia Bukhari air… Full Transcript