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How Do You Fight an Unjust Racist System?
How do you fight an unjust and racist system? Definitely not by being their good nigga. How do you find an unjust and racist system that uses the power of the state to grind people… Full Transcript
Phone Wars 3
I was in the prison yard this morning, trying to get my young [] together to have a discussion about their future, when two of them were pulled away by guys from their town to… Full Transcript
The Fight to Staying Alive
There are those who think I should give up my fight for UFD, and I should just accept the fact that these people who run the New York state prison system don’t want UFD to… Full Transcript
A Message to Black, Brown, and Poor People in Age of COVID-19
A message to Black, Hispanic, and poor people in this age of COVID-19 from Mfalme Sikivu, Executive Minister of UFD. Here we are, in 2020, still faced with the reality of racism and classism. The… Full Transcript
In The Box Part 3
I want to make something abundantly clear about solitary confinement, to why I was placed in here. I said before and I say now, again, that solitary confinement is torture and negatively impacts the mental… Full Transcript
In The Box Part 2
New York state governor, Andrew M Cuomo, gave a press conference on Monday, March 30th. In which he discussed the need for New Yorkers to practice social isolation due to the COVID-19 pandemic, which is… Full Transcript
In The Box
I want to make something abundantly clear about solitary confinement, to why I was placed in here. I said before and I say now, again, that solitary confinement is torture and negatively impacts the mental… Full Transcript
My New Message to No New Jails
My new message to No New Jails. I did a previous commentary about the organization called No New Jails, NYC, which is a grassroots campaign committed to closing Rikers Island. Now, without building new jails… Full Transcript
Violence and Hypocrisy: As American as Apple Pie
Violence and hypocrisy: as American as apple pie. I was watching the house of managers giving their closing arguments during the impeachment trial. I couldn’t help but sit and wonder about how corrupt our political… Full Transcript
A Message to No New Jail NYC
“A Message to No New Jails NYC.” In September, New York city prison abolitionists organized the coalition known as No New Jails NYC. One of the group’s goals is to promote a vision of a… Full Transcript
Fake News and Dirty Game
“Fake News and a Dirty Game.” I was watching the news for upstate New York when a report was aired about three correctional officers being injured by a prisoner at Greene Correctional Facility in Coxsackie,… Full Transcript
A Smarter Approach To Prison Abolition
A smarter approach to prison abolition. In my last commentary I reported on this new coalition of prison abolitionists called No New Jails NYC. They advocate a vision where incarceration is wiped from the American… Full Transcript
Silencing the Unique Collective Voices of Prisoners
“Silencing the Unique Collective Voice of Prisoners.” A decision and order dated December 5th, 2019, the United States Justice Court for the Northern District of New York dismissed several of my claims raised in my… Full Transcript
Nicholas Feliciano
“Nicholas Feliciano.” Nicholas Feliciano was my baby [inaudible]. I initiated him into UFD on June 22nd, 2019 here at Great Meadow Correctional Facility. He was a young Hispanic kid born May 7th, 2001. Having just… Full Transcript
So The Public Will Never Know
“So That the Public Never Knows.” I’m currently litigating in federal court, three civil rights lawsuits on my own because I get no help from any of these so called prison legal services, organizations that… Full Transcript
The Socialization of Anti-Social Behavior in Prison
“The Socialization of Anti-Social Behavior in Prison.” Yesterday, I was in the yard with two of my young [inaudible], Racks and Smokey. Both are 21 years old. We were having a conversation about them engaging… Full Transcript
New York State Prisons Reap What They Sow
Today, I had a conversation with the first deputy superintendent of this facility. I asked her what her thoughts were about my proposal to start a program here, that was similar to TRUE. She said… Full Transcript
Pissed Off
In my commentary entitled “My Life Is Worth Just As Much As Yours” I spoke about a 21-year-old young man I took under the wing because of how bad he wanted to change and better… Full Transcript
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