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Support Khalfani
Hi, this is Jamil Pirant calling out of the Indiana Department of Corrections. And the title of this is called, “Support Khalfani.” It was like, probably like 2015 and I heard this big voice, he… Full Transcript
New York State Prisons Reap What They Sow
Today, I had a conversation with the first deputy superintendent of this facility. I asked her what her thoughts were about my proposal to start a program here, that was similar to TRUE. She said… Full Transcript
The Truth Hurts but TRUE Works
In my last commentary, I talked about the TRUE program in the Cheshire Correctional Institution in Connecticut. It’s a program where young prisoners, 18 to 25 years old, are housed together along with a small… Full Transcript
UFD is the original TRUE
Two days ago, I received an article entitled quote, “How Scott Semple Helped Turn Connecticut’s Prisons Into a Nationally Recognized Laboratory of Reform,” end quote, which was posted I had just come back to… Full Transcript
This is Charley Hughes, better known as Sheik Bilal Abdul Salaam-Bey. I’m currently housed at the Hutchinson Correctional Facility in Hutchinson, Kansas. This is part three of my piece on captivities. There is a larger… Full Transcript