Hi my name is Crystal Denise Clark. My inmate number is 435064. I’m in a valley of death. When I say this, the valley of death, I mean it. We are, like I said, four women died back-to-back here.
I’m really sick y’all. I’m really not doing good. I’ve been going, telling the nurses that I cannot breathe. I’m not doing good. I’ve been, my whole chest, you can see how the mold is just eating up. It’s affecting me. it’s affecting me. I-When I lay down, I feel like something is really gone happen y’all. I really cannot breathe. I asked them, I got chronic asthma. I got way more than chronic asthma. They know. I asked for a breathing treatment. I keep, I told the nurse. I asked the nurse, he said, “What’s going on with you?”
I said, I told him. He said, “Oh, you fine all right, you fine.” He said “You fine.” I said, “Sir, you know I’m not fine.” My heart rate was 121. I told him, I said, “You can see that something’s wrong, sir, please.” “Well, you don’t need no treatment. I don’t hear nothing.” That hurts. It hurts to hear him not to admit foul stuff, like nothing is wrong, nothing is wrong.
When I saw the doctor, who do believe me, Dr Ellison, on the 16th or 17th, I told him about my pain (unintelligible). He said, “Your test came back. You got swelling in the neck.” I said, “Sir, what is we gonna do about this? I’m not looking the same. I’m swollen from head to toes. My feet leaking fluid.” He say, “Oh, do you want some Suboxone for your pain?” I say “Suboxone? I never did drugs in my life, sir.” “Oh, but when, let me tell you, it’s addictive. So you might get addicted.”
So I said “You’re really trying to offer me something, so I could be excused. So y’all can say it’s the medicine, the drugs that’s causing it. When you can give me something to help, and you going offer me some drugs that everybody here is taking.” They try to get off the drugs. That’s the number one drug in here that people get dying and taking is you coming in. But you will offer me that. I say…I guess just beg for help. Y’all, it’s so, it’s so much been going on, I can’t really remember, really, really remember a lot of all what’s going on y’all. I’m doing bad. I’m scared. I’m scared for my life in here. I’m not doing good y’all please.
Please just listen to me y’all and help. I’m not doing good. I try to stay strong and stay focused and ignore it. I can’t keep on ignoring it. And walking when I walk. I guess I can’t sleep, my heart, my chest hurt. I pulled out a sweat, can’t breath cause you had took my wheelchair. You know, I’m sick. It’s times, I can’t. I gotta sit here and choose, do I want to eat, or I gotta worry about my health because I can’t make it over there to the chow hall.
These commentaries are recorded by Prison Radio.