Prison Radio
Antoine “Indy” Walker

Hey, what’s up, everybody? This is Antoine Walker, aka Indy, calling out of SCI Greene Waynesburg, Pennsylvania, inmate #KG7791. I’m calling in today, really, just kind of follow up to my last recording also, but asking for some calls of support out there as I’m, as you know, I’m in phase one of this program – its supposed to be a chance for me to get out for restricted release or indefinite solitary confinement.

Last month, May 14, was supposed to be when my phase one started. It’s been about a month now, and I still haven’t been seen by Central Office. So far, about 12 people have been released before me in the past six months. So in that time, I’ve seen, most people been seen within two weeks. I’m going on a month without being seen. And honestly, I feel like it’s being done in retaliation for all the paperwork I filed over, not just my past five years in this prison, but throughout my time in the DOC and also with the current class action, I got filed in the Third Circuit against the DOC, PA DOC for the indefinite use of solitary confinement. Like today, for example, out of nowhere my cable was cut off, and I had paid for it. I’m the only person on the block of over 100 people whose cable was cut off and my legal mail was being held two to three weeks at a time. I had some legal mail that was postmarked May 15. I didn’t get it until June 6. Also, it’s just like, so I’m kind of seeing like this stalled process is like an attempt to try to get me to get in trouble or something, so they can have a reason not to let me back to general population. So any outside support that y’all could lend through phone calls, emails, is welcome.

I’ll give y’all some numbers that y’all can call and relate your concerns to. First number y’all can call the Secretary of Corrections. Her name is Laurel Harry, L-A-U-R-E-L, Harry H-A-R-R-Y, that number will be 717-728-4109, you could call their office, the chief counsel, Tim Holmes, T-I-M-H-O-L-M-E-S, 717-728-7763. Also, I don’t know if it’s the same, but an abuse report, 24/7 voicemail, 1-800-677-0330. The last number, Central Office, like this is the main phone in general up there will be 717-728-2573. Just basically, what I’m requesting is y’all to call and ask one why is my phase one review process being held up? It’s been over a month. And also, why is my legal mail being held? Why are services, such as my cable, that I’m paying for, being discontinued? Appreciate that. If y’all want to reach out to me direct or ask any questions, y’all can email me through, y’all can write to me directly at PO Box 33028, St. Petersburg, Florida, 33733.

These commentaries are recorded by Prison Radio.