Hey, what’s up, y’all? This is, Antoine Walker, AKA Indy, inmate number KG7791. I’m calling out of, Waynesburg, Pennsylvania, SCI Greene. I’m calling in today, so if y’all can’t grab y’all pens and paper or, grab your phone and take notes. I’m calling in today to report inmate abuse and excessive use of force.
It’s not for me at this moment. The issue right now is concerning an inmate named, his last name is Griffith. I don’t know his first name. It’s G R I F F I T H, inmate number MK5320. Again, this is SCI Greene in Pennsylvania. but yesterday we had a big search, which is the third one we had in less than three weeks.
This one was from the P.A. D.O.C. search team. And they came in with a real aggressive stance. It basically seem like they were looking for excuses to try to assault prisoners. Specifically with him, as we all were, he came out of cell handcuffs, facing the wall, while they were searching his cell, which is also in itself a separate issue because, you know, they wouldn’t let us actually view them searching our property when we’re allowed to.
But anyway, he was facing the wall and some guard with a complex, decided to come over and be aggressive with him and tell him to keep facing the fucking wall. So when, Griffith asked him, what did he say? They proceeded to slam him, on the ground while he was handcuffed and lied and said he tried to spit on him, that he tried to bite him, and they started punching him while he was down.
And this is probably about 20 or 30 guards on top of him by this point, and keep in mind he’s handcuffed, as all this is going on, but this use of force, there was no reason for it. So I’m asking, for people to, if y’all can, call in or reach out to him through, you know, connect network on email to write him a letter through a smart communications P.A. D.O.C., use last name and inmate number, which is again, Griffith G R I F F I T H MK5320, St. Petersburg, Florida.
Again, like I’m asking, cause I don’t know if he’s aware of, you know, the rights he got. He’s also a prisoner with, mental health issues and, I don’t know where they moved him to, or, you know, what his current condition is, but, you know, if anybody could reach out to him and assist him on the legal side or, just even with, you know, mental emotional support.
Also, if y’all can, call up to the office, the Bureau, Bureau of Investigation, Intelligence in Mechanicsberg, P. A. This is his central office. Ask for James Barnacle, which he’s heading the B.I.I, a number will be 717-728-2029. And ask them, let them know you would like to report inmate abuse. And one of the problems here with this is that it is a search team, it’s a collection of guards from different of D.O.C. Facilities in P.A., so we don’t know their names, they don’t identify themselves, so they come through with this aggressive mentality and pretty much feel as though they could get away with it.
I will be following up because there’s more to report from an issue I had personally, but I just wanted to try to get him some help right now because I don’t know if he has any help or if he’s even aware of, you know, the help that he can get or the violation he experienced.
So, I appreciate y’all time. I definitely keep y’all posted on if I get any updates. But, the harassment here is like excessive because a lot of us are in this program trying to get out of it. And so when guards feel as though they could kind of turn the screws because they know, you know, people, the focus is trying to get out of here and guards want to sabotage that.
So, so any outside support is definitely needed and welcome. Thanks for your time again. This is Antoine Walker, A.K.A. Indy. Inmate number KG7791. Y’all could reach me at connectnetwork.com or write me directly a letter through P.A. D.O.C. Smart Communications P. O. Box 33028 St. Petersburg, Florida. I appreciate the time.
These commentaries are recorded by Prison Radio.