The images were startling: New York City, summer 2023. Its horizon lit by a ruby-red sky, as sun light tries to shine through smoke and ash from Canada’s roaring fire season. First came the shock that Canada had a “fire season.” I thought it had only four seasons. Second was learning that Canada had over four hundred fires, raging on its eastern forest shores.
Then the smoke from these fires swings southwards to over fifteen US-states closing schools and businesses, and here in Pennsylvania prisons. This is some stunning stuff! New York City and its famous skyline obscured by red smoke made the city look like a skyline from “Krypton,” like the Syfy movie. New York City for one day scored the “most polluted city on earth.”
Will this become an annual event? In ten years, how many people will be made more sick with asthma or perhaps lung cancer? Who can say? Is climate change real or a hoax? Look out your window for its clear like the nose on your face.
With love, not phear, this is Mumia Abu-Jamal.