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Faluch Bigsby

Hello, folks, today I want to talk about energy. I want to talk about us being receptive to energy and us putting energy into the universe. Everybody has read on these cosmic lines of energy… Full Transcript

New York People’s Forum

Bryant Arroyo

Bryant Arroyo, calling from SCI Coal Township, Northumberland County, Pennsylvania. Title of piece is, “New York People’s Forum.” Caged in the throes of the Eastern Anthracite region at SCI Coal Township, geographically located in Northumberland… Full Transcript

National Disaster and Prisoners

Charles Karim Diggs

Good evening. My name is Charles Karim Diggs. Once again, I’m at Graterford prison in Pennsylvania. My number is AK7945. I want to talk about, uh, the, the hurricane that’s going on in the country… Full Transcript

Fight Toxic Prisons Full Speech

Bryant Arroyo

Speech for the Fight Toxic Prisons 2017 National Convergence Conference. Hello there, environmentalists ecologists, bioneers, blue gold rainforest protectors, movers, shakers, GMO opponents, green tech innovators, indigenous leaders, social-environmental justice activists gathered here today. I… Full Transcript

White Supremacist Controlling the White House

Kerry “Shakaboona” Marshall

America is facing dire straits ahead. Donald J. Trump is now President-Elect, the Republicans have won the majority in the House and Senate, the majority of Governors are Republicans, Trump’s Cabinet positions are being filled… Full Transcript

Bend the Bars Address

Bryant Arroyo

Dear environmentalists, ecologists, bioneers, blue-gold/rain forest protectors, movers, shakers, GMO opponents, green tech innovaters, indigenous leaders, social justice activists, and jail-house environmentalists gathered here today, as one. I want to thank you for your magnanimous… Full Transcript

Flint: Crimes of Capital

Mumia Abu-Jamal

From the beginning of human communal time, people built cities adjacent to rivers, for water, fresh water, was the source of life. Cairo (and before it grew into Cairo, Fustat), relied on the Nile; London… Full Transcript

The Power of the People

Mutope Duguma

Mutope Duguma, I’m speaking on the power of the people.  We, the People, have to realize that we have power in numbers, whereas we prisoners of all racial makeups, demonstrated in our peaceful protest to… Full Transcript