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Turkish Winter Over Kurdistan
At the time of the Iraq war when Bush II unleashed a war of shock and awe over Saddam Hussein’s country extensively in search of weapons of mass destruction, the northern territory of the Kurds,… Full Transcript
Biden His Time
“Biden His Time.” The candidacy of Joseph R. Biden, Jr. for president of the United States has caused multiple reactions across the land. Biden, who enters his 77th year of life, draws warm feelings from… Full Transcript
The Wrath of Khan
The Democratic National Convention (otherwise known as ‘The Clinton Show’) is over. The balloons have all burst, and the bunting has been bundled into the trash. The TV cameras have turned their hungry lenses to… Full Transcript
The Rise of the Imperial Feminine
If Democratic hopes are fulfilled, Hillary Rodham Clinton will shortly become the 45th President of the United States, the first of her gender in history. While that is indeed remarkable, it should be noted that… Full Transcript
Flint: Crimes of Capital
From the beginning of human communal time, people built cities adjacent to rivers, for water, fresh water, was the source of life. Cairo (and before it grew into Cairo, Fustat), relied on the Nile; London… Full Transcript
Lessons Lost (Version B)
Lessons Lost (Version A)
Democracy? Or Puppetry?
Blame the Takers Not the Makers (Version B)
Blame the Takers Not the Makers (Version A)
The Fear Bomb–Again! (Version B)
The Fear Bomb–Again! (Version A)
Beyond Politics (Version B)
Beyond Politics (Version A)
Real Road Rage (Version B)
Real Road Rage (Version A)
Refugees from Hell
Since the latest Iraq War began, over 2 and 1/2 million people have left the county, many settling in nearby Jordan. The life of a refugee anywhere is a kind of hell, but for Iraqis,… Full Transcript
The March to Tehran (Version B)
From the toothy growl from the American vice president, Dick Cheney, to the editorial blares of the nation’s newspapers, there’s every indication that a war in Iran is all but inevitable. While such an idea… Full Transcript
“The Tears Of Empire.” It happened with a suddenness that was stunning. The Taliban taking town by town, village by village, province by province until Kabul itself toppled all without virtually firing a shot. The… Full Transcript