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The American Way of Fascism
Look at the crowds savaging the walls and halls of the U.S. Capitol.Who are they? Where did this mob come from? Well over a decade ago, an American journalist saw them and wrote about them.… Full Transcript
After The Fall
“After The Fall.” As the froth and bubbling of the American election begins to cool, it is important to give some thought to what has happened here, and what it means both here and abroad… Full Transcript
“Pandemania.” The Coronavirus has hit, and in its wake has been exposed the cracks in the system, in economics, health, education, transportation, and the law, just to cite a few areas of human endeavor. We… Full Transcript
The Perils of Reform
“The Perils of Reform.” For years, indeed for decades, we have seen the mirage of reform being presented by neoliberal leaders and their media tools only to awake too late to ghoulish nightmares of shattered… Full Transcript
Locked Up and Locked Down
“Locked up and locked down.” For nearly a month now, all prisoners in Pennsylvania state prisons, over 40,000 men and women, have been locked down. What does lockdown mean? When I was on death row,… Full Transcript
Cracks In The Walls of Empire
“Cracks In The Walls of Empire.” Legates: as we gather today, we do so amid the fire and smoke of chaos both figuratively and literally. In France, the city of light, Paris, is surrounded by… Full Transcript
Neoliberal Utopias and Nightmares
“Neoliberal Utopias and Nightmares.” Acclaimed science fiction writer Ursula K. LeGuin, in her book The Ones Who Walk Away From Omelas, crafts a tale that crackles with the electricity of life. This is not a… Full Transcript
On Politics
Class War Gone Wild
Class war gone wild. One way of looking at American politics is through the lens of class, an area that is generally regarded as impolite, a subject that good people don’t discuss. It’s because it’s… Full Transcript
Clintonism Defined
Choose Your Poison
The Rise of the Imperial Feminine
If Democratic hopes are fulfilled, Hillary Rodham Clinton will shortly become the 45th President of the United States, the first of her gender in history. While that is indeed remarkable, it should be noted that… Full Transcript
“The Clinton Show”
As the Democratic National Convention rolls out its latest episode of the long-running “The Clinton Show”. It is threatened, as are all old programs, by an audience that has grown beyond the show’s characters. Starring… Full Transcript
Clintonism Laid Bare
Bill Clinton, perhaps the best raw political animal of his generation, said a mouthful recently, especially when he confronted activists from the ubiquitous Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement. There, the primary political architect of the… Full Transcript
Message for Black Radical Tradition Philly Conference
Centuries of Struggle Big House Prison Blues
‘Plus ça change …’ say the French; or ‘The more things change, of course, the more they stay the same.’ That thought, with all its despair and wisdom, resonates with particular power when we look… Full Transcript
War on The Poor
In every phase and facet of national life, there’s a war being waged on America’s poor. In social policy, poor mothers are targeted for criminal sanctions for acts, if committed by mothers of higher economic… Full Transcript
“The wages of deregulation.” A train races through the cool wintry air, its wheels turning on iron rails until sparks burst into flames, and in the blink of an eye, a city in western Ohio… Full Transcript