Hi, this is a Raymond Jenkins for this week, April 17, 2024, and I’m in the Corcoran State Prison. Today’s topic is I’m going to talk about, a little bit, about safety for prisoners in the prison system. And the reason why is that we have what we call a non-designated yard and that’s where you put… non-designated means that if you are a prisoner that want to program and go home, you have, you have a chance to, you go into the board, you have a better chance of getting’ a date from the board than a GP, or what they call GP. Now the issue is we have some people that they bring here that scares the captain or the lieutenant, and before they bring them on in here [say], ‘That if you bring me on in here, I don’t want to be on this yard. I’m going to take off and hurt somebody’. So apparently the captain and the lieutenant, whoever give him the okay, okay them and say, ‘Okay, well, go ahead and gonna put you on a yard and try you out, and the only way you’ll get off the yard, you have to take off somebody or do something stupid’. Now when they come on this yard and they do that, you jeopardize their life and you jeopardize the prisoners that’s in here that’s trying to go home, they trying to program, they trying to rehabilitation they self. But if you’re bringing somebody that’s not, and they made a statement that said, ’I am going to hurt somebody if you take me on the yard’, and you do it anyway, and you bring them anyway, you are jeopardizing, not only they jeopardizing the prisoners, but they jeopardizing their co-workers. So, they staff workers that do have to deal with that, when they bring them on this yard. I think something needs to be done about it, I think it’s wrong. And I think that I’m asking the people to speak out on it to see what we can do.
You know, the paper, pick it up, the newspaper to, to ask questions, to wonder why are you doing it if somebody saying, ‘We’re not coming. We don’t want to be on this yard on what you are trying to transfer us to, and if you do, we are going to hurt somebody’. Why would you continue doing that? Why would you continue endangering other people’s life? Is it because of the money that you get per inmate? Or, is it because he doesn’t care? It is a benefit thing? Is it a stock market thing? What is it pertaining that he doesn’t understand that if a person says, ‘Look’, and you decide to try him anyway, then you are jeopardize not only more than one person. So, my thing is this, I like you to understand and [unclear], whoever listening and whoever going to write and get in touch with me. Write me back. My feedback is, Mr. Jenkins, BM 4522 4B, 3RC-58 P.O. Box 3481, Corcoran, CA 93212. I would love to hear and see what solution that you feel that I can take. What measures that you feel that I can take, and who do we, you know, who do we get something going because this is an ongoing thing. Next week, I will be talking about the little brains that could. And that’s based on how far do you take your brain? How far do you bring your brain function? So, with that, I appreciate that you listening and I hope that I do hear from you. And I wanted to say thank you and God bless and have a beautiful day.
These commentaries are recorded by Prison Radio.
These commentaries are recorded by Prison Radio.