They can’t get away with this, stand with me- stand with us. And the government, you need to come here. It’s so many people dyin’ back to back. It’s too many women dying in here.
You have to come in here and see what’s going on, you have to help us to see why we get treated and what they are doing to us.
Help us. You can help us, do the right thing to help us. Come in here, send somebody in here, if you can’t you can send somebody in here. Stop sending people here and and walk us through here and giving them a heads up and making us clean up to make yourself look good like we live in good and being forced to clean up if we don’t we get sick or get tickets. No don’t let them know you come and come in here and see what they are doing.
See us not just walk through, speak to us and see you or know what’s going on. You will see what’s going on you will see the truth, you will hear the truth. Y’all come here, the people who come in here from Las Vegas walk through here that make a slave at night. It’s frightening clean and paint over this mold that’s killing us.
Why would- why can’t you guys just come in here and start talking to us and see what’s going on in here. It’s too many people lost they lives in here. It’s too much going on.
Shut it down! We need to shut this place down. This is terrible. This is sickness, how we’ve been treated and how sick we is and ain’t nothing being done about it. This is so heartbreaking. This is so heartbreaking. And you can do something about it, so we ask you to do something about it.
I love all of you. I’m just asking for y’all to stand with us and you will be hearing from me soon. Thank you so for answering the phone. Thank you so much for being by my side. We really need y’all.