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Because Uhuru Means Freedom

Mumia Abu-Jamal

When the U. S. government brought charges against the Black Liberation group known as the Uhuru House and its movement, the African Peoples Socialist Party, FBI agents raided homes and offices of its leaders and… Full Transcript

Reality Winner American Hero

Kerry “Shakaboona” Marshall

“The imprisonment of Reality Winner, a real American hero from national security state to police state,” by Kerry Shakaboona Marshall. Her name is Reality Winner, a 26-year-old Georgia woman, and a commended Air Force veteran… Full Transcript

The World Looks to Vladimir

Mumia Abu-Jamal

“The world looks to Vladimir.” To most Americans, the unanticipated win of Donald Trump of the U.S. presidency was the biggest story in the world. That’s because most folks think the U.S. is the center… Full Transcript