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Gun Violence
My inmate number is ND7568. The title of this piece is called “Gun violence.” This is Kenjuan Congo, Jr. calling from a prison camp behind enemy lines. I was watching on the news, and it… Full Transcript
Just A No Name
Alright, this is Steven Nicholson from Jackson, Michigan Cotton Correctional Facility. Been a long time, a little while since I’ve been on here. Now I’m back. This poem is called “Just a No Name.” Honing… Full Transcript
On Somali Martin
So, you know, the young man who they just recently arrested- his name was Somali Martin. And, you know, I knew Somali very well, and he- I don’t think he been out of prison for… Full Transcript
COVID-19: Weapons of Mass Incompetence
“COVID-19: weapon of mass incompetence.” As of this writing, Ten thousand people have died from the impacts of the coronavirus also known as COVID-19. Ten thousand! And unless I miss my guess, it ain’t over… Full Transcript
I think of the children of Angola given no fresh water but sold Coca-Cola. Kids killing kids in school, out of loneliness, out of despair, out of wanting the spotlight there. Who feels sad? It’s… Full Transcript
An Abolitionist Life
What does it mean to call oneself an abolitionist? The word doesn’t mean today what it meant 150 years ago. Then, it meant an end to what some have called ‘America’s Original Sin’–Slavery. Today? Well,… Full Transcript
The Black Panther Party on Film
When the Black Panther Party emerged in northern California, Oct. 1966, the images that were projected from that early period were arresting. Young, attractive Black men and women, armed for self and communal defense, openly… Full Transcript
The National Disease of America
Rochester, NY and the John Africa Trial
Long live John Africa. On the MOVE, y’all. Sister Mona asked that I speak on two issues: Rochester, New York and the John Africa trial. So, what Mona wants, Mona gets, right? It was spring… Full Transcript
Weapons of Deflection
The biggest scandal of the Clinton years, at least according to the press, was the sexual scandal involving his young intern, a woman not his wife. When the scandal almost engulfed his presidency, he ordered… Full Transcript
President Trump’s Game of Lies
For ages politicians have used the art of deception on opponents and on the people. President Donald J. Trump is no exception to the rule. Since the beginning of the presidential elections, and now as… Full Transcript
Women’s March
Let’s face it. President Trump’s entire presidential election campaign was so mysogynistic, sexist, anti-choice, and anti-women’s rights, that women of America had no other option but to fight back against what can only be called… Full Transcript
Why US Media Refuse to call Dylann Roof a Terrorist
“Why the US Media Refuse to Call Dylann Roof a Terrorist” by Shakaboona. The major US media corporations announced breaking news: Dylann Roof, the self-proclaimed white supremacist, has been sentenced by a jury of his… Full Transcript
The Politics of Oppression
“The politics of oppression.” Most presidential elections concentrate on the candidates, their words, their position, and perhaps more importantly, their persona. Of course, we don’t really know these people, but thanks to modern communications, we… Full Transcript
El Comadante Fidel Castro, Presidente
Former Cuban President Fidel Castro, the iconic revolutionary leader, beloved by many and hated by few, has passed away Friday (11-25-2016) at the ripe old age of 90 in his homeland of Cuba. The news… Full Transcript
Shock & Awe
I didn’t see this coming. The words I never thought I’d say, “president Trump,” had become reality. In a remarkable campaign full of bile, hatred, fear and loathing, guess what? Fear won. Hatred now gulps… Full Transcript
A Conversation The Morning After
Noelle: Yeah, I didn’t have one drop of liquor cause I was too- I was just like, I only drink when I’m happy. Mumia: What the hell is this? Noelle: Oh my God. He was… Full Transcript
Checking in, Torrey Braxton, inmate number 313197. Just did a month in the box for nothing but cussing the police out. Oh my god, it’s crazy man. That’s all I did, but I didn’t even… Full Transcript