Let’s face it. President Trump’s entire presidential election campaign was so mysogynistic, sexist, anti-choice, and anti-women’s rights, that women of America had no other option but to fight back against what can only be called Trump’s declaration of war against women.
On January 21, 2017, a day after Trump’s presidential inauguration, women responded to President Trump’s declaration of war on their bodies by marching—a 600,000-strong, standing army of women (and men) protestors on Washington, D.C.; by fielding over one million women protestors at 670 sister marches in cities across America; and by fielding an auxiallary force of three million women protestors at 600 sister marches on several continents around the world. The Women’s March on Washington represents the start of a widespread resistance to Donald Trump’s presidency.
Immediately after the Women’s March demonstration, media talking-heads and news pundits began attempting to mischaracterize the Women’s March with false claims of the march having no single message, it being divisive, and it having no clear objective. They made such false claims of the Women’s March, despite the fact that the protestors presented a unified message that they will not allow President Trump to roll back hard-won equal rights for women; that one million women of differing ethnicities, religions, and beliefs, came together in a unified front to oppose President Trump’s anti-women’s rights policies and platform; and that their objectives are several, but primarily to protect women’s rights on a broad range of social issues. How clear do the media want it? Should the women protestors spell everything out for the media as if they were children?
The Women’s March on Washington, organized by dynamic National Co-Chairs, including Angela Y. Davis, Gloria Steinem, Carmen Perez, Tamika Mallory, and Linda Sarsour, was a spectcular historical event that will change the political landscape in years to come and have awakened a sleeping giant to begin the revival of the women’s movement.
So let the dishonest news media continue to mischaracterize and cast doubt on the success of the Women’s March on Washington. You know who is not doubting the potential power of the over-one million women protestors? President Donald Trump, the Republican Party, and the dishonorable Democratic Party!
From the belly of the beast, at Prison Radio, thank you for listening.