Her name was Gloria, and if you knew her, you knew she was a special person.
She was a woman who didn’t bite her tongue. If she dug you, you knew it. If she didn’t, you knew that too.
When she smiled, it was like the rising sun: Glorious! But if you crossed her, storm clouds gathered, and thunder would boom from the heavens.
She was a Mother; a grandmother; a great-grandmother; and a great-great-grandmother of: Stephanie, Tracy, Marvis, and Tahira, Aisaiah, Hadiah, Komara, Tynetta, Taaah, Tyehimba, Tarajee, and Terra. There are at least 20 great-grands–and a great-great grandchild: Messiah.
She was also a MOVE supporter, as real as rain.
On May 13th, 1985, when the State waged war against MOVE, the first instinct of Gloria was to run toward the burning MOVE House! Only gunfire from a police sniper slowed her advance.
Gloria Perlote Cheeks was a woman of glorious dimples, a deep, infectious laugh, and deeper, abiding loves: of her family, of her friends, and of her people.
After 78 summers, she returns to the Ancestors.
The memory of Gloria will linger long in the memories of many.
Sleep well, sister.