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Love Not Phear at Luxemburg Conference 2022

Private: Mike Africa Jr.

And every year, prisoners and civilians run and exercise together to talk about how we’re going to abolish the prison system here in America. There is much resistance. There is much resistance from prisoners. Prisoners… Full Transcript

Women of the Revolution: Janine & Janet Africa

Mumia Abu-Jamal

“Women of MOVE.” Several days ago, after discussion with sister Suzanne, I began thinking about a piece on the women of MOVE. This seemed especially timely after the recent release of several MOVE sisters: Debbie,… Full Transcript

MOVE Women: Janet and Janine Africa Free at Last

Mumia Abu-Jamal

“MOVE Women: Janet and Janine Africa Free at Last.” For two MOVE women, Janet and Janine Africa, it had been decades since they walked the streets of Philadelphia or rode in a car. Decades? Yes.… Full Transcript

The Plight of Political Prisoners in America

Delbert Africa

“The Plight of Political Prisoners in America” by Delbert Africa. On A Move! This is Delbert Africa from Dallas Prison speaking about the plight of political prisoners here in America – especially in light of… Full Transcript