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Birth of A Rebel
Mumia Abu-Jamal
“Birth of a rebel.” May 1st, 1989. What brought Ramona Johnson, a shy, introverted but strong-willed woman, to courtroom 253 of Philadelphia’s decaying city hall. A law student at Temple University, she seemed drawn to… Full Transcript
Court Support for Mumia by Ramona Africa and Basima
Seeds of Wisdom
Mumia Abu-Jamal
“Thirty to a hundred, years no more, free MOVE now, open up the door!” A marcher’s chant. To hear news accounts, their numbers weren’t impressive, with less than fifty marchers participating in a May 13,… Full Transcript
May 13 Remembered Part 2
Mumia Abu-Jamal
It has been eight years now since the massacre; eight years since the carnage on Osage Avenue; eight years since an urban Holocaust which stole 11 human lives; eight years since the unjust encagement of… Full Transcript
“In Memory of May 13th.” In a matter of hours, the calendar will ring in May 13th, and it will mark the 35th year since the massacre on Mother’s Day, 1985, when police armed with… Full Transcript