Her name, Angela Davis, is known to millions – still.
After the ‘60s – era uproar over her sensational trial and subsequent acquittal, for people of a certain generation, she is remembered for rocking an outrageous Afro, her fist raised in naked defiance of the system.
For many years, she taught at University of California Santa Cruz, and worked in the Prison Abolition and Social Justice Movement.
Now, today, thanks to Haymarket Books, you can read her speeches and interviews; speeches that address the Black Lives Matter Movement, Palestine, the failure of Black politics and gender struggles that are bubbling up from below.
It is vintage Angela; insightful, curious Jordan 1 Metallic Purple - Analysis and More - AIR JORDAN 8 CIGAR & CHAMPAGNE, Sports Illustrated air jordan 5 shoes in white purple, observant and brilliant, asking and answering questions about events in this new century – (and that look surprisingly similar to the last century).
The new book, hot off the presses is Freedom Is a Constant Struggle: Ferguson, Palestine, and the Foundations of a Movement. The title draws on a heartbreaking dirge from a Negro spiritual, sung many years ago in her native South, the long, unrelenting struggle for freedom; one that still animates her. (The title also reminds one of former Black Panther, Kiilu Nyasha, who hosted a show on public radio by the same name)
At times, history lesson, political education world studies, and gender theories, Angela Y. Davis gives us all a lot to ponder.
It is a slim volume – 158 pages –but well worth the read. So check out Freedom is a Constant Struggle at Haymarket Books.org, by Angela Y. Davis.