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Standing With Palestine – Part 1
Marc Lamont Hill: Peace, everybody. You are listening to The Classroom and The Cell Podcast. This is your brother, Marc Lamont Hill, and joining me, of course, is Mumia Abu-Jamal: Mumia Abu-Jamal Africa. How you… Full Transcript
The Banquet
All right. This is Spoon Jackson, formerly of Uncuffed, laid off for no reason at all, looking for a job in radio! Anyways, uh, I would like to dedicate this poem to my Asian sisters… Full Transcript
Positive Actions Create Everything
Lisa Strawn, CMS Vacaville, “Positive Actions Create Everything.” I’m reminded daily of who I am because of the intolerance others have. Their fears of what they don’t know about cloud their ability to be accepting… Full Transcript
Organized Crime
Hi, this is Wilbert Sanders, as Jazz the Poet, with a piece I call “Organized Crime.” After reviewing the situation of race relations within and out this complex nation, the disenfranchised hold United States guilty… Full Transcript
“Tears & a Smile”
Tears and a smile. For many across America, the presidential election has left them distraught, awash with anxiety, fear, and dread. It seems surreal. A candidate caught on tape saying what he said, who launched… Full Transcript
The Party is Over
In recent days, the presidential campaign has exploded. Videotapes of Donald J. Trump glorying in his sexual conquests (or attempts) have caused a hemorrhaging of support–especially among women, who are shocked and sickened by his… Full Transcript
Black August 2003
Black August has many markers throughout the long history of resistance in the Americas. There are more than we could ever recount here. But here are a few that are important and undeniable events that… Full Transcript
“The Clinton Show”
As the Democratic National Convention rolls out its latest episode of the long-running “The Clinton Show”. It is threatened, as are all old programs, by an audience that has grown beyond the show’s characters. Starring… Full Transcript
Mumia Abu-Jamal on Democracy Now!
AMY GOODMAN: This is Democracy Now!, We are “Breaking with Convention: War, Peace and the Presidency.” I’m Amy Goodman, with Juan González. We’re broadcasting from the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia, broadcasting outside that… Full Transcript
Why Black and Latino Americans Won’t Vote for Trump or the Republican Party
Lets face some truths here, Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump has an image problem of being racist, xenophobic, sexist, and a politically unpolished blabbering brute. Trump represents everything that is wrong with the Republican Party.… Full Transcript
We Must Stop Supporting Those Who Do Not Support Our Black Community
Who’s Running?
President Barack Obama Blunders Supreme Court Nomination and Rejects Black Democratic Base
Antonin Scalia 1936-2016
Judicial Fury
Recently, the U.S. Supreme Court, in its Montgomery v. Louisiana decision, ruled that its earlier 2012 ruling in the Miller v. Alabama case, (limiting life sentences when it came to juvenile defendants) was indeed retroactive… Full Transcript
Her Name is Angela Davis
Her name, Angela Davis, is known to millions – still. After the ‘60s – era uproar over her sensational trial and subsequent acquittal, for people of a certain generation, she is remembered for rocking an… Full Transcript
A Black National Party is Needed
Muslims Not Welcome
The image of an imperious Republican presidential candidate, Donald Trump, speaks volumes as he calls for a ban on Muslims entering the U.S. The comments flood the globe, the latest expression of American fear, hatred… Full Transcript
Race is an invention of social prison; of artificial division to oppress separated into ranks that race for first place in a caste system based on the color of one’s face; created by those in… Full Transcript