My name is Omar Askia Ali, AKA Edward Sistrunk. I’m calling in reference to the, uh, mass incarceration.
The United States imprisons more residents than any other nation in the world. Over 2.2 million individuals are caught up in mass incarceration. It is targeted with balck, brown individuals of color and the poor white class citizens in prison for extensive periods of time based on your economical status.
Pennsylvania has outdated laws that Cra-wallonieShops , Shop Online Now , mockba russia girls adidas women sale shoes shop store need reform. You have currently over 100,000 people incarcerated in state, federal and county prisons in Pennsylvania. A segment of Pennsylvania, prisoners, 5,000, are life-sentence prisoners. And there’s a bill for HB135: parole eligibility after 15 years for all men and women serving death by incarceration, and put an end to Pennsylvania’s draconian outdated practices.
Contact your local state representative in your area, either by email, form, or online, to bring about House Bill 135 for the benefit of parole eligibility for lifers. We have put together a escrow with the Human Rights Coalition at 4135 Lancaster Avenue, Philadelphia, PA. 19104,, for the purpose to defray the costs of $1000 for a 10 by 22 billboard, which will promote additional awareness of House Bill 135, which gives life-sentence prisoners an opportunity who have served 15 years for roles. The billboard will be leased from
Thank you very much.
These commentaries are recorded by Noelle Hanrahan of Prison Radio.