The title of this topic is the justice system.
In the Philadelphia Tribune, 11-24-19, page one, Mr. Maurice Hudson was jailed for being poor. Philadephia Supreme Court freed him, calling the sentence an “egregious error.” In 1964, the former United States Attorney General, Robert F. Kennedy states, “what has been demonstrated here is that usually only one factor determines whether defendants stay in jail before he or she comes to trial.
That factor is not guilt or innocence. It is not the nature of the crime. It is not the character of the defendant. That factor is simply money. If not for his lawyer, Crystal Brooks from the Philadelphia Defenders Association and CNN analysis, Van Jones, who represents the reform Alliance. And State Representative Jordan Harris with lawyer from the ACLU, who all played a role in securing Mr. Hudson’s release. He was still being incarcerated.
Representative Harris said putting people back in prison simply because they cannot pay their court fines costs the taxpayer even more money that could go towards things like schools, fixing up potholes, healthcare, and stimulate job growth and public safety. Rather than have your children asking one another, “when is our mother and father coming home,” as my daughters have asked of me.
My name is Omar Askia Ali. Thank you for your [inaudible].
(Sound of a cell door closing.) These commentaries are recorded by Noelle Hanrahan of Prison Radio.