These commentaries are recorded by Noelle Hanrahan of Prison Radio.
Hello, this is Indiana political prisoner Khalfani Malik Khaldun. I’m calling in from Indiana at Wabash Valley Correctional Facility. Uh, I’m submitting a piece called “Queen Tamika Mallory: Keeping Up the Example of Strong Black Female Power” by Khalfani Malik Khaldun.
I’m consciously encouraged by the collective work and action being taken by the women of Black Lives Matter, mothers of the movement, and organizers of the Women’s March.
We love you Tamika Mallory, revolutionary love and a 21-gun salute to New African Black women all around this country. I am so proud of you for having the courage and hope to believe that female power and unity is even possible. My beautiful New African Black sister Tamika Mallory, please know that although I am confined to a prison cell 23, 24 hours a day here in Indiana, I have followed your work and activities.
I have had debates about how you’ve had to be the target of American white supremacy and blatant racism for having the courage and energy to openly speak truth to power in the face of raw and uncut hatred and ignorance. Traditionally as a New African nation, our women have blazed a trail that demanded recognition from having put in excellent work. This work has been responsible for pushing our liberation struggle forward from Black Lives Matter to the- to the Million Women’s March.
Tamika Mallory, you and Alicia Garza, Tiffany Dena Loftin, Bree Newsome, Jamaica Burley, Angela Peoples, Marilyn Zuniga, represent our communities today just as powerfully as Harriet Tubman, Betty Shabazz, bell hooks, Coretta Scott King, Willie Mandela, Sojourner Truth, Fannie Lou Hamer and Angela Davis, as well as Assata Shakur, did in the past.
You have so many strong examples to draw your encouragement from. Young New African Black women are now joining Black Lives Matter and envisioning creating their own female organizations or groups because, as a collective body, you and us are strong and represent a force to be heard and reckoned with. Today we can expose all forms of bigotry, sexism, oppression on all levels, and gender discrimination.
The comrades here in Indiana, the Department of Corrections, the universal urban gorillas, and the Indiana DOC Watts on the inside, love you Tamika Mallory and all the sisters and women who stand in solidarity with you.
We love you and stand in complete solidarity with all of you who are on the front lines today. Keep the movement growing and leading by example. Power to the people, prison lives matter too. The struggle continues.
Khalfani Malik Khaldun, Leonard McQuade, 874304, P.O. Box 1111, Carlisle, Indiana 47838. Peace!
These commentaries are recorded by Noelle Hanrahan of Prison Radio.