Prison Radio

State Legislature Describes Red Onion As Inhumane

Kevin “Rashid” Johnson

During October 2024, I was able to pierce the veil of secrecy that surrounds Virginia’s remote supermax prison, Red Onion State Prison, and the extreme abuses and racism that have plagued the prison since it… Full Transcript

Extreme Abuse at Red Onion State Prison

Kevin “Rashid” Johnson

It’s extreme abuse. It’s, I mean, it’s pretty much blatant racism. It’s really, it’s really hard, I guess, for people on the outside to really understand the context of that environment. The culture that comes into… Full Transcript

Propaganda and Red Onion State Prison

Kevin “Rashid” Johnson

The public can’t believe anything Virginia Prison officials tell them. Lies about dog attacks. In an August 1st, 2021, article about two lawsuits filed by Virginia prisoners who had been mauled by prison attack dogs,… Full Transcript

Gang Wars to Race Wars

Kevin “Rashid” Johnson

From gang wars to race wars, officials continue to manufacture gang violence in Virginia prisons. In a 2023 article, I outlined how officials manufactured gangs in Virginia’s remote supermax prisons, Red Onion and Wallens Ridge,… Full Transcript

Why Was My Neighbor Tear Gassed?

Kevin “Rashid” Johnson

Why was my neighbor just tear gassed?  It’s November 11, 2024, 10:52am.  My neighbor here in Red Onion State Prison, these three solitary confinement cell blocks, was just tear gassed for the most absurd reason,… Full Transcript

Hunger Strike and Self Immolation Update

Ekong Eshiet

I started my hunger strike Monday, October 21st. Once everybody VTG nike Sale Air Max Senation White Black Chris Webber 2006 sz 9 , nike Sale breathe run kurzarm-t-shirt , Fenua-environnementShops Marketplace refused a breakfast tray, the CO came to my door and said, “Why? Why you messing up the spot? This is a good spot.” He … Full Transcript

Self Immolation in Virginia Prisons

Kevin “Rashid” Johnson

On September 15, 2024, a young African man, Ekong Eshiet and his cellmate Trayvon Brown, set themselves on fire at Virginia’s remote supermax Red Onion State Prison.  Ekong suffered third degree Buy Women's Boots Red Lunar Footwear Online , jordan air jordan 1 mid crimson tint sneakers item , AspennigeriaShops burns along his legs… Full Transcript

Challenging Solitary at Red Onion State Prison

Kelvin Casey Canada

Hi, y’all. Kelvin Casey Canada, calling from Red Onion State Prison.  The whole predicate of me calling is to inform the masses about the [unclear] of the A38 policy. This is a policy that is… Full Transcript